Excuses, Excuses

Wednesday, March 7th> Luke 18: 15-30

In what ways do we say "No" to God because of our unbelief in Who He is? When we demand that He give us what WE want BEFORE we'll do what He's asking us to do. When we come up with excuses to explain why we're not ready to step up and walk out what He's calling us to accomplish. At least the rich young ruler was honest about the fact that he thought Jesus' request was too much to ask. He walked away, shaking his head. At least he expressed his "No" with no pretense. We, on the other hand, say "yes" with our words but our actions show what we really want to say. We have a simple choice: fall in agreement with God's plan and let Him accomplish His plan through us, or spend valuable time making excuses.

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