It's Time to TURN!

Friday, March 9th> Nehemiah chapter 9

What must we do to get back to the place of believing God again? What a loaded question. The REAL question is, are we willing to do what it takes to get our faith back? Are we ready to open the door to our family secrets and expose the iniquities, sins and transgressions that we've accepted from our ancestors? Are we willing to let go of the same old patterns and habits we've kept and held on to "just in case" God's way doesn't work? If you've answered "yes" to those things, it's time to repent and come back to the Father, trusting that everything He asks of us is only to bring us into a place of healing, joy and blessing. I'm ready to see true deliverance take place in my life and the lives of others around me. Are you? Then it's time to TURN.

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