"Vaccination Situation!"

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

Today's Passage> 1 Samuel chapters 18-20
Memory Verse> Psalm 144: 1& 2

It is quite amazing how the human brain works. Although many scientists do not acknowledge that their ability to learn and solve problems comes from God, we know that no-one but God could give humans the intellect to figure out how to make something like a vaccine. It's intriguing to say the least. I didn't realize until I was in my early thirties that the stuff they put in your body is actually the same illness you're trying to avoid. In order for the vaccine to work, or to make you "immune" to the illness, you have to take in a small dose of the actual illness and allow it to enter your system so that you can be "exposed" to it.
This is necessary in helping you build immunity.

I know God is the author of the wisdom behind the creation of vaccines, because His kingdom works exactly the same way. Only God can expect us to do the very thing that would potentially kill us, exposing ourselves to it and all its dangers. That's what He did to David. He sent Samuel to anoint him king when he barely knew himself, then taught him how to be the best shepherd boy he could be. He stayed in the fields with his father's sheep, protecting them from the lions, tigers and bears that threatened to destroy them. Little did he know that it was about to get worse.

But here's the interesting part, as Pastors Chad and Nette explained to us: because David was already exposed to dangerous situations, he was PREPARED to face Goliath without even realizing it. When he saw the Philistines making a mockery of God's people, he just had to respond. But he already had what it took to do so. And just when you thought he'd already done enough, God thrust him into another "vaccination situation". He caused the people to show David more favor so that Saul could drive himself deeper out of his place as God's chosen. Pretty soon, Saul was relentlessly pursuing David, trying to kill him at every turn. But once again, David somehow knew he had been prepared in advance for this kind of hostile environment, and he was able to stand.

Whatever your "vaccination situation" today, God has already figured out how much of that deadly substance you need to be exposed to. As you submit to it, in much the same way we as parents do with our children because we trust the doctor's word, you will find yourself built up and ready to face greater levels of adverse circumstances for the glory of the Lord. Oh- by the way, David is known in the Bible for being the most prolific writer and psalmist, as well as the king after God's own heart. Do you think maybe it was from everything he allowed himself to be exposed to? Makes me want to jump up on the Doctor's table and say, "Hit me up with some of that deadly juice, Doctor Jesus! I love the results!"

Prayer: Father, I expose myself to every adverse thing You've already pre-determined for me to walk through. I want my life to accomplish everything You set it out to do. Even through the valley of death's shadow, I will not fear because my life is filled with Your purpose. Thank You for Your ways. I. Submit to You now in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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