The Power's In Knowing Him!

Wednesday December 7, 2011

Today's Passage: Matthew 16: 13-20
Memory Verse: Matt. 16:19

I don't know about you, but there are days when I feel so small in this world. Now, I don't don't mean that in a "woe is me" kind of way. I'm just amazed at the way God meticulously cares for me, when I must be a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things. The more I think about it though, the relevance of my life doesn't come from how big I am, it solely rests upon how big God is in me.

Matthew recorded a conversation in which Jesus asked His disciples who people, and they, said He was. Their initial answers consisted of names of mere men. They were the disciples' failed attempts to assess a value to what was priceless. But Peter gave a different answer. He said: "You are the Christ, Son of the living God"! That statement was a game-changer. It took Jesus from being a mere mortal to being so much more. This is what we have to understand. Alone, we are mere men; small, insignificant, incapable of caring for ourselves. But if God lives within us, we become people of power and authority; able to change any situation. Remember what I said before? It's not about how big I am in the world, it's about how big God is in me.

We don't have to feel small in this world because the size of the God that lives within us is enough. His jurisdiction stretches from the depths of Earth to the heights of Heaven. There's no issue our faith can't touch and no situation our prayers can't change. Jesus proved that point when He told Peter whatever he bound on Earth would be bound in Heaven. And whatever he loosed on Earth, would be loosed in Heaven. That's not little man stuff, baby. What is your capacity? How much of God are you allowing to live in you? Do you only want Him when you're in trouble, or are you TOTALLY DEVOTED? If you want to successfully effect change in your life (and in the life of your loved ones), you have to have the revelation Peter had. That is what makes your life bigger and better than you ever thought it could be.

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your Word. I receive the promise that whatever I bind and loose has already been bound and loosed in Heaven. I take authority now by the blood of Your Son Jesus, and I bind every foreign substance that does not belong in my life. I also loose the freedom to walk in everything You have for me. My life is always Yours, in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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