A Tale of Two Choices

Saturday, December 3rd, 2011

Today's Passage> James 4: 1-8
Memory Verse> James 4:7

There's something about the way we think that acts as either a magnet for God, or a repellant. Sometimes I wish God just made robots who responded automatically to God's commands and ways. But He didn't. Instead, He created and placed His best inside of us and allowed us to choose Him. History has already shown us that it does us no good to let our minds wander.

Rewind to Eve. She loved God, but simply allowed herself to consider the options. Rather than asking God, Who was the source, she opened herself up to the suggestion that something was missing in what God had provided. How do you get someone who has nothing to convince you that he can offer you something more than what God had set aside? Yet this is what she was deceived into doing. And the moment she submitted to the enemy's voice rather than God's, she chose to resist Him. Funny how God's system seems like too much, but the gold- covered package the enemy's trinkets are wrapped in appear worth it.

Funny, too, how the minute we submit to the enemy, we automatically draw closer to him rather than God. Remember what happened when they ate the fruit? They went running away from God's Presence, and wanted nothing to do with the One Who created them for fellowship. This is exactly what happens to us when we submit to the enemy. But rather than focus on the fear of what we lose when we fall, how about zoning in on what we get when we do the OPPOSITE of what the enemy wants? How about doing it GOD's way? His Word tells us not to covet what does not belong to us. Rather, ask God to open His floodgates of blessings so that we can display how great He is. Can you imagine how much we forfeit because we refuse to change our attitude about WHY God wants to bless us?

This attitude change makes the difference in who gets our devotion. If we submit to God, we are choosing to be a friend of God, accepting the fellowship He's always wanted with us. And as we submit, this resistance will build inside us to repel the enemy, who cannot stay wherever we are one with God. It's a simple tale of two choices; who we serve is completely up to us.

Prayer: Father, words will never be able to express how grateful I am that You chose me before the foundation of the world. I choose to submit to Your way, even when it requires me to wait rather than give in to temporary pleasures. It's YOU or bust. I am Yours forever. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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