Thanks for Homeland Security!!!

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

Today's Passage> Psalm 119: 97-117
Memory Verse> Ps. 119:98

Imagine life in the natural with a body that allows every foreign object to take residence inside it without the ability to defend it. Cells that should be preparing to identify things that should not be are either slow in responding or totally unresponsive altogether. Without an immune system that does its part to protect us from deadly diseases, even the insertion of a vaccine would be no good. Now imagine the life of a young child or mother struggling to survive, totally defenseless against every invading virus or bacteria that exists. That's how people who have auto-immune deficiency diseases live-- especially those with AIDS.

But that's not how God designed for our bodies to operate. He created a highly effective defense system to first and foremost DETECT a foreign substance known as an ANTIGEN. The purpose of this foreign body (which could be as simple as the cold bug or as complicated as the AIDS virus-- it really doesn't matter--) is to invade, find a comfortable place, multiply, then take over the body's immune system. So whether big or small, the body sends out ANTIBODIES to IDENTIFY this foreign substance so that it can be arrested and rendered incapable of accomplishing its initial purpose.

How awesome is that, that God would pattern our physical bodies after the spiritual realm He expects us to live in! We already know that the thief in our lives is the enemy of our souls, whose sole purpose is to steal from, kill and destroy us-- and he really doesn't care whether he uses something simple or something deadly-- it all depends upon what we ALLOW. But God, Who is truly rich in mercy, has provided a way for us to defeat satan's plan. First and foremost, He has given us His Word, by which we gain wisdom and understanding as well as discernment. If we allow it to have first place in our lives, we can see those antigens coming a mile away. The negative attitudes, temptation to compromise, and opportunities to take another path other than that which God has laid out for us -- these "antigens" are everywhere everyday. But if we are being watchful as the Word instructs us, we can block them from accomplishing much even IF they do pass the first line of defense (HOMELAND SECURITY) and invade.

The second provision for defense against these deadly antigens is the Person of the Holy Spirit. He takes the Word that we hide in our hearts and brings it back to our remembrance at just the right moment that we need it. He lovingly helps us use our discernment and urges us to identify those foreign substances-- things that do not belong in our lives. Things like resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, doubt fear, and every unclean thing that enters through our eye and ear gates and seeks a comfortable place in our thoughts. He knows the Father's heart towards us, and steers us in the way of utmost victory against those things. But He also knows there can be no destruction of these foreign substances IF WE DON'T FIRST IDENTIFY THEM. We are the only ones with the dominion and authority to refuse them access into our souls, so He supplies the ammunition of God's word and will, always reminding us of what our lives should look like as God's totally devoted. So the decision is again up to us: do we choose to IGNORE the provision that has been made to bring us victory? Or do we embrace it and allow it to be activated every day that we live in this fallen world? The evidence of our choice will be seen by all who watch our lives unfold and see our fruit. Remember: Invasion is inevitable, but TAKEOVER is NOT!

Prayer: Father, once again I thank You for the careful and thoughtful way You provide for me to always walk in triumph. I receive the Homeland Security of You a word, and I commit to letting it take root in my heart so that the Holy Spirit can use it to remind me of Your a will. I come into agreement with You, and give You permission to use me to destroy the enemy's plan in my life and the lives of all who love You. In Jesus' mighty Name, Amen.

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