Selective Hearing

Monday, June 11th> 2 Timothy 4: 1-5 What is a very dangerous indication of our immaturity when it comes to our hearing? When we deliberately have SELECTIVE hearing, we stunt our own growth. God's Word is spirit, and it is life. That means He is able to make it APPLY to our lives no matter what situation we're walking in. So if we're going through a hard time financially, but God has our pastors teaching on forgiveness and love, we have a choice: we can decide we're just going to stay home and listen to the pastors on tv (no offense) who are ministering on how you can get your financial breakthrough. Or, we can humble ourselves and remember that God is a God of ORDER. He WANTS to bless us financially, but if there's bitterness and unforgiveness rooted in us, He cannot get His blessings TO us. Do you get the picture? We show how immature we are when we CHOOSE which parts of God's Word we're going to apply. We must understand that with God, it's ALL or NOTHING. We can't be miracle- or breakthrough- minded, only wanting God to change our situation, but reject His call to change. It's time to GROW up! Receive and be willing to APPLY the area that may not feel so good. THEN we can turn cartwheels when He rewards our obedience with blessing, miracles and breakthrough. Can you hear HIM now? Good.

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