STAY Connected!!!

Saturday, June 30th> 2 Corinthians 11:14; John 16: 12-15 How will staying connected to the Spirit of Truth and using our hearing aid of salvation expose the enemy's plot to stop our purpose? Before we get to that question, I really feel led to WARN the children of God to be SOBER concerning from whom they receive revelation from God. That Scripture in 2 Corinthians reminds us that there are people who CLAIM to be God's servants, but are actually carrying out the work of the enemy. This means that there are individuals who are crafty enough to say just the right things to deceive the people of God. They are being elevated to apostles, and are operating in the fivefold ministry as we speak. I am by NO means trying to create paranoid Christians, looking for a demon beneath every church pew(although we should know they're there). But what I AM saying is that we MUST be mature enough to observe and judge the FRUIT of those who speak on behalf of God and His kingdom. Having said that, we've been given the Holy Spirit Himself, Who has the power to lead us into ALL truth-- truth about ourselves, where we are in our walk, and which area we need to be transformed in order to position ourselves to be all that God is calling us to be. So as long as we're HEARING His voice clearly, there is no possibility of confusion, strife, division, or falling away. God has a way of confirming to us that we're hearing from Him. The fruit of our obedience to what we hear will also be evident in our walk. Remember? Our MILESTONES will be visible as an encouragement to those not quite there yet, and will bring glory to the Father. It's really in our best interest to stay connected.

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