Whose Sound Will Win?

Tuesday, June 19th> Matthew 13: 1-23 In a world where the enemy's kingdom is displayed with sights and sounds, what is it about HEARING the things of God that keeps us victorious? Look around you: what do you hear the most? Loud, crazy sounds from the world to make us think they're having so much fun. Yet the more outrageous they get, the more frustrated believers seem to become. Why does what they do upset us so much, anyway? Is it because deep down inside the world has succeeded in getting us to envy what they have? If we're not careful, the sounds of the world will drown out the still small Voice we should be listening to. We'll respond to "Buy, buy, buy if you want to be happy" rather than "Be content in whatever state you find yourself in". We'll agree with "If it feels good, do it" instead of "Walk in the Spirit so you won't please the flesh". Every sound from the world will oppose the Voice of God... If you let it. But if you endure, the victory has no limits. The choice is yours.

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