More of the LIGHT!

Saturday, December 29th, 2012

John 12: 44-50
How will asking for more of the Light of the world impact our lives?  We can see the powerful parallel this topic has in the natural.  Homes in our neighborhood that have no inviting outdoor lights look simply drab as we drive by.  But those that have invested in motion lights or LED lamps to outline their porches and driveways are more interesting to look at.  This concept can especially be applied to the Christmas season.  Even those who claim not to want anything to do with Jesus are fascinated with the idea of lighting up their homes and yards during this time of year.  And those people that go the extra mile are rewarded with the pleasure of being the source of joy for those who slow down to enjoy their creativity.

One gentleman in particular started the tradition of putting up lights of all kinds in Bostwick many years ago for the holidays.  As time went on, it turned into an actual ministry event because he realized that people were passing on the word about how special and inspiring his lights were.  At various locations in his yard, he had taken the time to display biblical events such as Jesus walking on the water, Joseph and Mary traveling to Bethlehem, and of course the most awesome event of all -- the birth of the Christ.  Now, people in the surrounding areas look forward to including his house on their list of things to do during the holidays.  Is it a lot of work and expense for him to keep this up?  Certainly.  I'm sure his electric bill in January is five times what he pays all year round.  But there's something about spreading the joy of the good news that is simply priceless.

When Jesus gives us the invitation to ask Him to be the light in our lives, and when He promises that we will never have to walk in darkness as long as He lives in us, He's not just saying we'll illuminate our lives -- which is great.  He's saying He'll use us to do exactly what those illuminated houses and yards do for others.  Through us, He'll shine brightly His message of love, hope, peace, joy, and deliverance.  We'll be billboards that advertise His love to the world without our having to use words, which sometimes turn people AWAY from the cross rather than TO it.

So how will asking for more of Jesus, the Light of the World, impact our lives?  It will shine in the dark places that we weren't aware of before so that WE can shine more brightly for Him.  It will bring wisdom to areas that were not functioning properly so that our witness cannot be compromised in any way.  It will allow us to see the value in what we ALREADY have so that we don't waste precious time worrying about unnecessary things rather than accomplishing the will of the Father.  Today, take a moment to just ask for more of Jesus manifested as the Light in your life.  Will it require more faith and dedication on your part?  Yes.  But the rewards can't be found anywhere else.  Watch Him come and illuminate your heart, soul and spirit.  Then watch EVERYTHING change.  

Let God Create the Form!

Saturday, November 24th> 1 Corinthians 15: 36-38; Mark 4: 26-34

When we sow, what mistake must we be careful not to make about the FORM our seed will take?  In the natural, a farmer would be foolish to take a handful of various seeds and scatter them all over.  It would make for quite an uncertain and unfruitful harvest-- for the farmer, that is.  He wouldn't have enough of any one  product that could be used to yield a profit.

But oh, in the spirit realm, it's exactly the opposite!  Everywhere our feet tread,  God has given us a supernatural process that begins in one form and ends up in another.  We can't get so caught up in the form that we see, because God determines what it will be.  If this concept is hard to understand,  just take a quick trip down memory lane in your own life.

Remember what "form" your life was in before you finally let God in?  How many seeds were planted and watered along the way?  I can remember every event involving willing vessels who ministered to me about the love of Jesus.  At that point, I'm sure I looked like a plain old stump, with no hope of becoming anything more... BUT GOD!  How long did God have to put up with my rebellion and rejection of Him before finally surrendering?  How much did He have to put up with my sin BEFORE as well as DURING salvation?

If He has never given up on us, we can't afford to look down on others who look as ugly on the outside as we did.  Even as we justify our own status by reminding others that "God is not finished with me yet", we fail to extend that same grace to others, expecting them to transform in record time.  Brothers and sisters, this ought not to be. All God expects from us is the patience and long suffering to sow,  coupled with the hope that God can and will do for others through us what He did in us through others.  Sow like crazy, and let God take care of the rest.

Practical Tips for Godliness Training

Sunday, December 16th> 1 Corinthians 9: 24-27; Hebrews 12: 1-17

What PRACTICAL advice would you give to believers on how to CONSISTENTLY participate in godliness training (Scripture reading, prayer ,fasting, Bible study, worship, evangelism, etc.)?  In a Bible study session at Abundant Life Ministries, some of the students were asked this question, and here were a few of the answers they gave.  

1.  Fit your schedule around GOD, not the other way around.  There will never be convenient times to train -- so take advantage of "God-moments", and be faithful no matter how uncomfortable it gets.

2.  Set your gaze on the LONG HAUL, not just on right now.  This race is not for the ones who jump out and start running without pacing themselves.  Realize that this race is for eternity, and everyday choices are a reflection of that attitude.

3.  Practice healthy habits that set us up for success in our quest for godliness.  Pray as often as you can -- not out of obligation, but from the mindset that it is our LIFELINE to God Himself.  Incorporate worship and praise into this time, so that there is always an anticipation of what God is going to do.

4.  Read God's Word.  Do not make substitutions for this time, but prioritize and set aside time to hear from the God of the Word.  It's the time to receive instructions for life.  Who knows what He wants to prepare you for?

5.  Have a MADE-UP MIND to keep training-- not as an afterthought, but without giving it a second thought.  There are some things that are non-negotiable, and godliness training is the first on that list.

In this passage, God has given us even more "tips" for godliness training:

6.  Keep your eyes on Jesus, our perfect Example of how to run and not grow weary.  He's finished the course already, being completely man even while completely God.  We must study His life and emulate that.  He removed all excuses that the Christian life is impossible to live SUCCESSFULLY.

7.  Receive God's discipline with gratitude, realizing that He chastens those whom He loves.  God will require us to go without certain things and people so that we can learn the essential lesson that we must NEVER value anything or anyone above Him.

8.  Surrender to God's methods of training.  Don't rebel against the hardships.  He's preparing us for growth and maturity, and we can't get there without relying on the Master Trainer, Who knows exactly what we need to be successful.

9.  Stay connected with each other!  Help each other along the way.   Like-minded believers MUST maintain a desire to see each other succeed, and not be content with being the only one staying on track.  Pray not just for yourself, but for whomever God puts on your heart-- FRIEND OR FOE.  

10.  Pay attention to the emotions that threaten to derail our quest for godliness.  Guard against ingratitude and discontentment.  Remember-- there are rewards in maintaining godliness AND contentment.

Ready, set, BEGIN TRAINING!!!!!

Choose Wisely!

Thursday, December 6th> Job chapter 28

In what way do we sell ourselves short by only seeking temporary earthly treasures?  We've all made the comment at one point or another, "If only I had riches... Added to my faith, that would be the BEST of both worlds!" and it probably would.  What an awesome thing it would be to be able to have all-expense-paid trips to the mission field! And what about all the opportunities to be a blessing to people everywhere?  It would  truly be "the answer to all things" that the Bible talks about.  But many times, we ONLY want those earthly things and not God.  We seek Him only to the point where we're able to accomplish our financial goals.  We seem to have the misguided notion that  those things can provide true fulfillment in and of themselves.

Except when it comes to the REAL issues of life.  What good would it do to have all the money in the world if the most important relationships  -- those with your family -- don't work?  Even the best psychiatrists and psychologists couldn't help fix a broken heart or a wounded spirit.  Where in the world do you go, even with lots of money, to escape the tormenting thoughts inflicted by the enemy of our souls?  These are the questions to consider when the temptation to pursue earthly treasures becomes stronger than the passion to pursue God.

There simply is no better way to say it, folks: seek the God Who buried the earthly treasures deep inside the earth.  In Him are treasures that cannot be compared to anything earthly.  He alone holds the key to unlocking the mysteries that cause love to flow between two people who couldn't get along; He alone releases the peace that passes all understanding, even in the midst of the most violent storm.  WITH Him, you can have both the spiritual AND physical treasures.  WITHOUT Him, you may experience the latter for a brief moment in time without the rich fulfillment that comes with knowing the One Who holds it all together.  CHOOSE WISELY. 

What's Working Through You?

Friday, November 16th> Ecclesiastes 10: 1; 1 Corinthians 5: 6-8

What mistake do we make by allowing the "little" issues to remain unaddressed and only deal with those we consider "big"?  Yeast is an interesting ingredient.  It's actually a single-celled fungus that produces on its own by budding and division.  All it takes is two .5 -ounce packages of this substance, mixed in with 5 cups of bread flour, 3 cups of wheat flour, and other ingredients to make 2 to 3 loaves of delicious wheat bread.

It's amazing how quickly and thoroughly yeast works its way through the entire batch.  All it needs is the right conditions -- warm water, all the ingredients mixed together, and time to sit and grow. The yeast, which seems like such an insignificant part of the whole process when it begins, now takes over.  Its presence now becomes known as it causes the whole thing to rise, changing the composition of the ingredients and  causing them to become something other than they were before.

Need I say more?  Our lives and all the parts that make up our attitudes, beliefs and actions start with our thoughts.  These images that enter our minds can either be holy and God-given, or diabolical and conceived in the satanic realm.  Whatever we allow to be mixed in will eventually "work it's way through", ultimately changing who we are from the inside out-- just like the yeast.  All those thoughts need are the right, deeply-embedded desires that we think no-one knows about, and time to sit and grow -- just like the yeast.  The fact that we think those secret, hidden ideas will remain secret and hidden is a major sign of our immaturity and lack of knowledge of spiritual things.

If we want to truly see ourselves set free in our thought life and hearts, we must begin to treat ungodly thoughts as the deadly ingredients they really are -- capable of changing our attitudes and devotion towards the Father.  Before we know it, we go from on-fire and closely-connected to other believers to cynical and withdrawn, having negative things to say about everything that has to do with God.  Watch out indeed for the leaven that works itself through everything we are.  Deal with those thoughts as they come -- expose them for what they really are, and certainly DON't give them time to pile up inside.  Instead, allow your heart to become the right condition for growing the seeds of God's Word.  Just like that yeast, it will completely transform you, and EVERYONE will be able to tell you've been in the presence of the Living God.

Are You Ready to RECEIVE?

Wednesday, October 17th> 1 Corinthians 2:10-15; Rom. 12:2

What is the ONLY way we will benefit from the NEW revelations, answers and ideas God wants to pour into His people?  It's a vicious cycle if you allow your flesh to dictate.  God is a Spirit, and those who desire to worship, have relationship, and commune with Him MUST do so in spirit and in truth.  In the spirit realm,  God's heart towards us is revealed.  Answers to questions that haven't even been asked yet are given.  He sends visions and dreams, as well as the interpretation of others' dreams.  God also prepares His children for storms coming ahead, and propels them into the process necessary for the next level of their lives.
The only way to benefit from these treasures, mysteries and gifts is to STAY IN THE SPIRIT WHERE GOD DWELLS.  But wait... There's no entry into the spirit if fear, anxiety, and frustration are in abundance.  A mind cluttered with these and other carnal things stays in the soulish realm where only the cares of this world matter.  Regardless of how important earthly matters appear to be, they occupy important space and time where the Holy Spirit should be.  Every moment we spend being concerned about what they said and did causes us to miss what the Spirit is trying to get through to us.

So it's really about what we choose to RECEIVE-- what's eternal, or what has already passed away.  God wants His kingdom treasures passed on to His children.  What He can get TO us, He can get THROUGH us.  We were created to be the SOLUTION to this world's problems.  Whether or not we're doing that depends on how positioned we are to receive what God so willingly wants to give.  As for me and my house, we're determined to be on the receiving end of such an awesome heavenly word as POUR; what about you?

God deserves Our ALL!

Thursday, November 8th> Exodus 29:21; Revelation 3: 1-6

The garments represented being set apart completely for the will of God.  How does this symbol of total devotion manifest in our daily lives?  A people set apart for Him alone has always been God's plan from before the foundation of the world.  Ever since Adam and Eve, God has desired a love relationship with His creation.  Totally devoted believers take a stand to live consecrated lives for the purpose of bringing God glory.

Where we struggle is with the word TOTAL, as in COMPLETELY or ALL OF OURSELVES when it comes to living for Jesus Christ.  Somehow, we think it totally normal to be head-over-heels in love with another human being; we pride ourselves on being completely committed to standing up for our political beliefs.  We even confess our addictions to people, places and things, rationalizing our feelings because we "just can't help who we are".  Funny how hard it seems to use that same line of reasoning when it involves our Heavenly Father, Who gave us His all and deserves the same in return.

So how does this totally devoted lifestyle manifest in our day-to-day?  From the moment we wake up, God consumes our thoughts.  We focus on what He thinks of us, how His Word calls us to a place of repentance and turning away from the attitudes and patterns of the world, and most of all how blessed we are to be called His own.  The key is in trusting that every requirement God puts on us is for our good, and wholeheartedly responding to those holy requirements with joyful obedience.  There's nothing more rewarding than giving all we have to a God Who will never push us away, harm us or disappoint us.  How much more excited should we be about letting ourselves go and leaning on Him for every move we make?  All we'll get in return is life, life, and more life.  And who couldn't use as much of that as they can take?


Thursday, October 11th> Romans 7: 13-25

What kind of opposition should we also expect as we recover from our heart transplant?  We MUST expect the strongest opposition to come from none other than OUR VERY OWN SELVES.  We must expect our flesh to want its own way, just like it has ever since we took our first breath on this earth.  As our hearts finally get a fighting chance to side with the kingdom of Light on our behalf, don't expect the old man to just lie idle without putting up a fight.  It's going to take everything in you to stand, having done all to stand , then stand again (Ephesians 6:13-14).  

That's why I absolutely love this declaration from Pastor Antoinette that truly puts our flesh in its place.  As you make this declaration over yourself, remember that these are not just idle words, but that we overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.

"The Spirit-Led Life:

May my animated earth suit (the body) live to serve the Spirit of God... It will be agreeable, accommodating, obliging, considerate, courteous, polite, kind, thoughtful, generous, pleasant, approachable, and attentive to the Spirit of God.. As a host of the Holy Spirit, my body will not grieve, resist, quench, or frustrate the Spirit working in and through my life! I will NOT live to serve the body, but keep the body healthy and strong to serve the Spirit!

As I eat physically, I will first remember the necessity of feeding my spirit the Bread of Life and the Meat of doing God's Will!

As I rest physically, I will first remember the necessity of my spirit resting in God's Words, and not my own devices and plans...

As I dress physically, I will first remember the necessity of my spirit being clothed!  Daily, I will put on Righteousness, put on Christ, put on the Armor of Light, put on the Whole Armor of God, put on Incorruption, put on Immortality, put on the New Man, put on Love, put on Tender Mercies, Kindness, Meekness, and Longsuffering.

This is really being 'Dressed for the Day'..



Saturday, October 6th> Galatians 5: 19-21; Exodus 20:1-17; Hosea 4:6

God has given us guidelines to help us avoid things that clog our arteries and stop us from living "heart-healthy".  What causes us not to take advantage of these guidelines?  It's the same thing that causes us not to enjoy the benefits of all the great tips for being healthy physically: WE JUST DON'T WANT TO.  We don't see the value in finding out what it takes to keep us out of the doctor's office because it feels too good to our flesh to be inactive and eat whatever.  We spend years just catering to our carnal nature, making excuses for the things that cause us to feel guilty when we are face to face with the consequences of our actions.

That's why I love the Message version of Galatians 5: 19-21.  Since we've CHOSEN the Christian life, we can't just hold its principles as abstract ideals in our heads.  WE'RE COMPELLED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD TO WORK OUT WHAT THOSE IDEALS MEAN IN OUR DAILY LIVES.  Only the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit, as a result of reading and applying the Word of God, will bring the FRUIT of all God wants manifested in our lives.  Does it feel good all the time?  No... But neither does being left alone after driving away those who love us because of unchecked emotions.  Will we be victorious every time if we let the Holy Spirit be in control rather than our hearts?  YES, because there's no guilt afterwards-- only life leading to more life.  And that's what God wants for us.  WE JUST HAVE TO WANT IT FOR OURSELVES.

"Operation Rehabilitation"

Saturday, September 22nd> Hebrews  chapter 4

Once we have gotten our hearts into the place of captivity, how do we "rehabilitate" and re-educate it?  When I was a young girl, I had a cousin who would often come and stay the summers with us.  She was deathly afraid of getting injections, but was always coming down with something for which she needed medical attention. I can still see her now, having to be chased down the dirt road from our house just so she could be given something that was necessary for her to get well.  They would literally have to hold her down while she screamed at the top of her lungs just to give her that shot.  It was because of her carrying-on that  I vowed I would be brave and just stand obediently to get my shot whenever it was time for me to get one.

This whole discussion about our unruly, runaway hearts brought that childhood memory back to me.  We know in our hearts that God's Word is the best medicine for our sin-sickness.  And yet, we will not be able to get it to "rest" in God's Word and promises on its own.  It wants to follow and chase after every fleeting fancy because of the temporary gratification it brings.  So we must chase it down and capture it to ensure that it will  listen to the Words of life that God has given us. Can you see yourself chasing your heart down the dirt roads of life, calling its ungodly desires and needs into submission by casting them down?  That's the only way you'll be able to get it quiet long enough to begin reminding it of the promises of God that it's forgotten.  

In the place of captivity, where it loses its right to say what it wants, thinks and feels, you can now speak and declare God's Word and make the heart line up with that alone.  This process is life-transforming because it causes our minds to be renewed and our very lives to discover again what God's perfect will for our lives is in every season.  Without it, we fall further and further away from the mark of the high calling.  Watch for those moments when the battle between your will and God's begins.  No matter how "cute" your heart looks trying to strike out on its own path, DON'T GIVE IN.  You'll need to apply God's formula for transformation.  That's when "Operation Rehabilitation" can begin.

In The Presence of the Father

Saturday, September 15th> John 12: 23-28; Matthew 26: 38-45; 1 John 3: 20

How does Jesus exemplify our only option in response to our feelings?  Jesus was all man, even while all God.  He subjected Himself to every physical thing a  human being could feel, and yet never yielded to the sinful nature.  Every cry he gave as a baby was as a result of aches and pains associated with being in human form.  He felt tired, frustrated, angry, and weak-- just like we do.  But there is something awesome about how He went through all that just so we wouldn't lose out on the opportunity to look at the way He did things and follow Him.

Jesus showed us that it's possible to be in constant communication with the Father even while walking through the demands of this earthly life.  No matter how many miracles He did, He always spent time with God.   He obtained strength before attempting any spiritual task.  He knew that the enemy, although limited in his power, was free to operate in any willing vessel.  So He armed Himself with the supernatural strength to face and defeat the enemy.  We must arm ourselves with the same mindset that Jesus did if we want to experience the same victory.

Just like our Lord, every moment in the Father's presence must be cherished for the treasure it truly is.  Not one moment is wasted, because every ounce of virtue we need to walk in the supernatural is given out as we worship, praise and open ourselves up to Him in prayer.  Never should we take it for granted, or be deceived into thinking anything else on this earth has more importance, or will satisfy us any more than being with God does.  Commit yourself to the discipline of it at first, then watch as being in the presence of the Lord becomes like breathing fresh air or drinking the cleanest, purest water on earth.  And when you have to fulfill your earthly duties, the fragrance of having been with Him will fill you and fuel you like nothing else can.  Follow the Lord's example and stay in the presence of the Father.

Put The Heart In Its Place

Thursday, September 13th
Acts 26: 9-18

Because our hearts are subject to the enemy's influence,  how is the body of Christ affected when we "follow our hearts"?  The Lord gave me an image of a house much like the one on "Hoarders", the tv show where people hold on to everything.  The people look normal on the outside, but inside a storm is raging.  They may have had something traumatic happen to them, and their "hearts" begin to tell them how to respond to that situation.  Every object they come in contact with suddenly takes on an air of importance it never had before.  Sooner or later, their homes-- once a haven of rest and peace-- become a prison that someone has to free them from.

When trauma happens in our natural bodies, the whole body responds to nurture it until it is restored to its previous function.  But what occurs in the body of Christ?  We allow everything that shouldn't be important to our success take priority.  Our feelings tell us to push others away, so we do.  We don't reach out and let others know what's going on so they can be sensitive to pray for a breakthrough in our lives-- so they don't.  Before you know it, our spiritual homes become a prison cell where the enemy is free to keep us locked up, and we are paralyzed to function in our place in the body.

When we can't function, the body of Christ suffers.  There is something missing because our hearts are holding us hostage.  God's kingdom was never designed for us to operate in isolation of one another.  Only when we begin to GUARD our hearts-- taking authority over the thoughts and emotions that do not line up with God's Word-- will we truly begin to see breakthrough.  Let's ALL put our hearts in their place in Jesus' Name today. 

The Valley of Decision

Tuesday, September 11th> Genesis 22: 1-18

When we are in the "valley of decision", why does God "test" us rather than just use His power to make us do His will?  As a matter of fact, why does He even allow us to BE in the valley of decision?  Since He has all that power, why doesn't He just keep us in His will instead of making us have to choose?  God has this way of bringing us to a place where we HAVE to trust Him, and where we come face to face with the things in our hearts that are not in line with God's Word.

What is it that God, Who knows and has all things, really wants from us, anyway?He wants the very thing we find so hard to give away.  He wants our undivided devotion.  No matter what comes our way, He wants to know that we'll be trusting enough to let Him have whatever He asks, knowing He's already sacrificed everything for us.  He'll never ask us to give up anything He hasn't already given.  But in that process, what He has waiting for us is more than we could ever imagine.

So when the questions arise, and the enemy wants to plant doubts in our hearts about whether or not our test is worth it, we can look at the life of every believer who stepped out in obedience to Jehovah Jireh.  As we release our hearts to the process, we'll see that provision is already made to bring us out-- with blessing and rewards added.  No price is too high for the anointing and calling God has in store.  Let's ask for grace to pass the test, and let God use it for His glory.

Every Word Is a Seed!

Friday, September 7th> Ezekiel 37: 7-10

How does God expect us to use our creative tongues to heal our wounded when they are  in the valley?  The enemy knows how powerful words are.  He also knows a few of our patterns and things that have a potential to send us over the edge.  All the aggravation and heartache we walk through is designed to destroy the unity the Lord  established for us, as well as the destiny of everyone who may be already walking in their calling, as well as those who may not.

When we find ourselves in painful situations, watch out!  Those are the easiest times to lose it and speak death over everyone involved-- including us.  But those are the most opportune times to speak life rather than death.  Every word we speak during this season is very carefully collected and planted by God , Who then harvests it in due season.  With this revelation in mind, isn't holding our peace rather than releasing harmful words the better choice to make?

Yes, and even more important than that is having the vision to see beyond our circumstances and into the future-- which seems so far away when we're in crisis.  But as we've already learned, we must never give in to the temptation to lash out.  By faith, we must begin to believe that if the best out of us is being developed, how much will God restore and heal others?  I urge you to stand firmly on the Word of God, and declare what His Word says about not only yourself, but about that person.  Remember-- every word is a seed.  He gave us creative power to see those dry bones live.  But that part won't come without self-denial and courage.  Anybody can spew junk out out of his or her mouth in the heat of the moment.  But only the Most High God Himself can heal or deliver-- and He needs us to do our part and agree with Him.


Friday, August 24th> Luke 4: 13; Ephesians 4: 27;  1 Peter 5:8; 2 Corinthians 2: 11

Because satan is an opportunist, what  are some "opportune" times in our lives to be watchful for his attack?  The alarm has gone out from God's people to AWAKE for a reason.  We are children of a most Holy, loving God Who has nothing but good towards us.  So even in our trials, the end result will produce good in us so that people can see us and give glory to our God.

But what tends to happen is we enter a season of trials, which God allows as His Fatherly way of strengthening and maturing us, and the thief begins to sneak his own purpose into the mix.  This perpetrator, whom we call satan, tries to find ways to shut us down, render us comatose and numb, and wrap us in this cocoon of despair until the trial passes.  Here's where God would not have us be ignorant, but understand (be enlightened about, come into the knowledge of, and AWAKEN" to)  His will in the middle of the situation (Ephesians 5: 8-21).

The enemy wants to use these aggravating, rough times to keep us silent about how faithful God is.  He wants us so consumed with our trials that we don't have the time or the compassion to see the needs of others and lift them up.  So again we sound the alarm: AWAKE! Don't be deceived. Don't fall for his numbing, paralyzing tactics.  In times of sorrow, distress and peril, God has given us the courage and strength to STAND with our WHOLE ARMOR ON while the battle is raging.  So we MUST do our part to STAND,  Be ALERT AND WATCHFUL.  We must SEE that if God is for us,  NO-ONE can be against us.  We have to keep our eyes open, become "opportunists" ourselves concerning the work of the Master.  Others are watching us closely, wanting to know how we will handle what we're going through.

So today we pray That "the eyes of your understanding [will be] enlightened; that you may KNOW what is the HOPE of His calling, and what are the RICHES of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the EXCEEDING GREATNESS of His POWER toward us who BELIEVE" in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS (Ephesians 1: 18-19).


Thursday, August 16th> 2 Corinthians 11: 13-15

Just as in a regular "lineup", what disguise does the enemy use that requires us to point him out?  He comes camouflaged in light, always with the outward appearance of good.  The more determined we are to grasp the things of God firmly, the more subtle and sneaky he becomes.  But there are some "red flags" that will immediately give him away -- if we are sober, alert and paying attention to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

One of the things we must watch for is the deviation of the enemy's counsel from the Word of God.  Whatever he's trying to convince us to do may APPEAR to bring God glory, but at a closer glance, the only thing it will accomplish right now is bring ME instant gratification.  For example, if I'm being tempted to purchase something that costs a lot of money, the enemy's counsel might be, "God wants you to be blessed.  He said He'd supply all of your NEEDS according to His riches in glory." What we may decide to do next when we hear that makes all the difference in the world.

The enemy is hoping that we will be so wrapped up in the fact that God's Word is used that we won't go any further.  But that is only the beginning of the process.  What about our motives?  WHY do we really want that thing?  Is it vanity, or something our family really needs right now?  Is this purchase something the family can afford at this time, or will we be set back because of it? Which leads to the question --how will we be paying for this?  Have we saved up for this item, or getting it on credit that will get in the way of our tithing and giving according to God's will?

It's not enough that the messenger talking to us seems bathed in light.  Today's passage warns us that the enemy can imitate light. It's what comes BEHIND that light that will reveal how true to God's Word the messenger is.  As we expose our motives to God's light through His Word, we'll be able to tell whose agenda is really being presented: God's, or the enemy's.  After this process, we still have to decide whether we REALLY want to do things God's way, or our own.  I pray that we've lived through enough destructive decisions to know that ONLY God's way works FOR us rather than AGAINST us.  But no matter what, it's time to "snitch" on the lying, scheming thief who only wants to steal from us, and destroy our lives.  So WATCH OUT FOR THAT LIGHT!!!


Saturday, Aug. 11th >Luke 6: 36-42

What is God's warning to those in the body who suffer from HYPEROPIA (far-sightedness)?  This is a true lesson in the principle of sowing and reaping.  God is more concerned with the way we handle one another than with how much scripture we can quote, or with the titles we possess.  In this season of growth and maturity, we're asking God to develop every part of ourselves that has stopped Him from using us and getting the glory out of our lives completely.  

So if we are to heal and grow, we must address our tendency to build walls around ourselves in the body, and keep our distance from others for one reason or another. Why do we try so hard not to form healthy, meaningful bonds with one another when that is where our healing and growth lies?  Why do we allow the enemy to speak lies to us about what our Christian brothers and sisters have said about or done to us, or even think about us?  Why do we believe those lies, then turn around and do the VERY things we accused them of by sharing those lies with others?

In these days of the great harvest, when so many souls are hungry for a real relationship with God through Jesus Christ, we are being called to rise from our sleep and natural state of blindness and confront the REAL enemies: satan, for creating the optical illusion that our family members don't care about us, and OURSELVES for believing his lies.  It's time to take God at His Word and obey Him in the spirit of a desire to see the church arise and be the church.

If we truly have a heart to see this happen, God is calling us to say, "It begins with me!" We must be willing to ask tough questions such as: "If everyone in the body were just like me, what kind of body would it be? Would it be a place of life, healing and growth?  Or would everything be dead and cold, killed by the suspicions, doubts and fears that motivate me to stay away from others?" God is calling His children to be broken about what breaks His heart-- disunity, judgment and condemnation.  He would have us to be warned today that every seed we sow in His church will bring a harvest in our own lives.

  Personally, I just want to please the Father and give Him room to reach this broken world .  So I pray today, "Cleanse, heal, and transform ME, Lord.   Use me to bring healing and restoration to others, just as You are doing for me.  Take my eyes off of what others are doing and keep me focused on MY race, which only YOU can help me to run.  Fill me with the love and compassion for others that will draw them to You.  Help me to say today and everyday, 'IT BEGINS WITH ME'."

Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice!

Friday, Aug. 10th> 1 Samuel chapter 15

How does Saul exemplify the life of a believer who has MYOPIA (near-sightedness), and bends God's Word to suit his/her own purpose?  Several things jump out at me in this passage.  First of all, Saul was ANOINTED king.  The anointing comes with an assignment: to give a person supernatural strength and courage to accomplish what he or she couldn't do on human strength alone.  So, his first task was to destroy the Amalekites, a group of people who oppressed Israel when they needed help after leaving Egypt.  God wanted Saul to use his position as king, with Samuel's priestly covering, to take them out, in order to teach other nations that no-one messes with God's chosen ones.

Secondly, Saul had the POWER to choose whether to obey God or not.  And this is where the near- sighted ness comes in.  God's specific words to Saul were:
"Now go and attack Amalek, and UTTERLY destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.” (1 Samuel 15:3 NKJV) Is that clear enough?  Seems pretty cut-and-dried to me.  And yet,  in the middle of the task, Saul SAW only HIS reasoning and that of the people whose advice he received.  "Why not keep the king alive?  We could let him hang around and watch all the destruction, just the way he and his people did to us.  And why not hold on to the best animals?  It would be such a waste to destroy them, when we could sacrifice them to the Lord rather than our own." 

Thirdly, Saul fell into the TRAP of thinking that somehow he knew better than God how to execute God's plan.  And yet the Bible tells us not to lean on our own understanding, but rather trust in the Lord with ALL our hearts.  Our minds, when not renewed, reflect only our selfish desires which are contrary to God's will for our lives.  Our minds, in their carnal state, can only carry out the enemy's will, which leads to death and destruction for us.  And God knows this, which is why He tells us to STICK TO HIS WORD rather than our own thoughts and opinions.

Finally, the same power extended to Saul is being given to us today.  We have the anointing of BOTH kings and priests, a position we inherited through Jesus' death and resurrection.  What will we do with that double- portion anointing?  Will we UTTERLY DESTROY every enemy that stands in the way of our total freedom in Christ?  Anger, fear, rejection, depression, and the like?  Or will we spare some because we "THINK" they may still be useful in the future?  We must be careful to obey ALL the commandments -- not in our power, but by the power of the Holy Spirit.  It pleases God, and obedience is far better than sacrifice.