Let God Create the Form!

Saturday, November 24th> 1 Corinthians 15: 36-38; Mark 4: 26-34

When we sow, what mistake must we be careful not to make about the FORM our seed will take?  In the natural, a farmer would be foolish to take a handful of various seeds and scatter them all over.  It would make for quite an uncertain and unfruitful harvest-- for the farmer, that is.  He wouldn't have enough of any one  product that could be used to yield a profit.

But oh, in the spirit realm, it's exactly the opposite!  Everywhere our feet tread,  God has given us a supernatural process that begins in one form and ends up in another.  We can't get so caught up in the form that we see, because God determines what it will be.  If this concept is hard to understand,  just take a quick trip down memory lane in your own life.

Remember what "form" your life was in before you finally let God in?  How many seeds were planted and watered along the way?  I can remember every event involving willing vessels who ministered to me about the love of Jesus.  At that point, I'm sure I looked like a plain old stump, with no hope of becoming anything more... BUT GOD!  How long did God have to put up with my rebellion and rejection of Him before finally surrendering?  How much did He have to put up with my sin BEFORE as well as DURING salvation?

If He has never given up on us, we can't afford to look down on others who look as ugly on the outside as we did.  Even as we justify our own status by reminding others that "God is not finished with me yet", we fail to extend that same grace to others, expecting them to transform in record time.  Brothers and sisters, this ought not to be. All God expects from us is the patience and long suffering to sow,  coupled with the hope that God can and will do for others through us what He did in us through others.  Sow like crazy, and let God take care of the rest.

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