In The Presence of the Father

Saturday, September 15th> John 12: 23-28; Matthew 26: 38-45; 1 John 3: 20

How does Jesus exemplify our only option in response to our feelings?  Jesus was all man, even while all God.  He subjected Himself to every physical thing a  human being could feel, and yet never yielded to the sinful nature.  Every cry he gave as a baby was as a result of aches and pains associated with being in human form.  He felt tired, frustrated, angry, and weak-- just like we do.  But there is something awesome about how He went through all that just so we wouldn't lose out on the opportunity to look at the way He did things and follow Him.

Jesus showed us that it's possible to be in constant communication with the Father even while walking through the demands of this earthly life.  No matter how many miracles He did, He always spent time with God.   He obtained strength before attempting any spiritual task.  He knew that the enemy, although limited in his power, was free to operate in any willing vessel.  So He armed Himself with the supernatural strength to face and defeat the enemy.  We must arm ourselves with the same mindset that Jesus did if we want to experience the same victory.

Just like our Lord, every moment in the Father's presence must be cherished for the treasure it truly is.  Not one moment is wasted, because every ounce of virtue we need to walk in the supernatural is given out as we worship, praise and open ourselves up to Him in prayer.  Never should we take it for granted, or be deceived into thinking anything else on this earth has more importance, or will satisfy us any more than being with God does.  Commit yourself to the discipline of it at first, then watch as being in the presence of the Lord becomes like breathing fresh air or drinking the cleanest, purest water on earth.  And when you have to fulfill your earthly duties, the fragrance of having been with Him will fill you and fuel you like nothing else can.  Follow the Lord's example and stay in the presence of the Father.

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