Practical Tips for Godliness Training

Sunday, December 16th> 1 Corinthians 9: 24-27; Hebrews 12: 1-17

What PRACTICAL advice would you give to believers on how to CONSISTENTLY participate in godliness training (Scripture reading, prayer ,fasting, Bible study, worship, evangelism, etc.)?  In a Bible study session at Abundant Life Ministries, some of the students were asked this question, and here were a few of the answers they gave.  

1.  Fit your schedule around GOD, not the other way around.  There will never be convenient times to train -- so take advantage of "God-moments", and be faithful no matter how uncomfortable it gets.

2.  Set your gaze on the LONG HAUL, not just on right now.  This race is not for the ones who jump out and start running without pacing themselves.  Realize that this race is for eternity, and everyday choices are a reflection of that attitude.

3.  Practice healthy habits that set us up for success in our quest for godliness.  Pray as often as you can -- not out of obligation, but from the mindset that it is our LIFELINE to God Himself.  Incorporate worship and praise into this time, so that there is always an anticipation of what God is going to do.

4.  Read God's Word.  Do not make substitutions for this time, but prioritize and set aside time to hear from the God of the Word.  It's the time to receive instructions for life.  Who knows what He wants to prepare you for?

5.  Have a MADE-UP MIND to keep training-- not as an afterthought, but without giving it a second thought.  There are some things that are non-negotiable, and godliness training is the first on that list.

In this passage, God has given us even more "tips" for godliness training:

6.  Keep your eyes on Jesus, our perfect Example of how to run and not grow weary.  He's finished the course already, being completely man even while completely God.  We must study His life and emulate that.  He removed all excuses that the Christian life is impossible to live SUCCESSFULLY.

7.  Receive God's discipline with gratitude, realizing that He chastens those whom He loves.  God will require us to go without certain things and people so that we can learn the essential lesson that we must NEVER value anything or anyone above Him.

8.  Surrender to God's methods of training.  Don't rebel against the hardships.  He's preparing us for growth and maturity, and we can't get there without relying on the Master Trainer, Who knows exactly what we need to be successful.

9.  Stay connected with each other!  Help each other along the way.   Like-minded believers MUST maintain a desire to see each other succeed, and not be content with being the only one staying on track.  Pray not just for yourself, but for whomever God puts on your heart-- FRIEND OR FOE.  

10.  Pay attention to the emotions that threaten to derail our quest for godliness.  Guard against ingratitude and discontentment.  Remember-- there are rewards in maintaining godliness AND contentment.

Ready, set, BEGIN TRAINING!!!!!

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