The Valley of Decision

Tuesday, September 11th> Genesis 22: 1-18

When we are in the "valley of decision", why does God "test" us rather than just use His power to make us do His will?  As a matter of fact, why does He even allow us to BE in the valley of decision?  Since He has all that power, why doesn't He just keep us in His will instead of making us have to choose?  God has this way of bringing us to a place where we HAVE to trust Him, and where we come face to face with the things in our hearts that are not in line with God's Word.

What is it that God, Who knows and has all things, really wants from us, anyway?He wants the very thing we find so hard to give away.  He wants our undivided devotion.  No matter what comes our way, He wants to know that we'll be trusting enough to let Him have whatever He asks, knowing He's already sacrificed everything for us.  He'll never ask us to give up anything He hasn't already given.  But in that process, what He has waiting for us is more than we could ever imagine.

So when the questions arise, and the enemy wants to plant doubts in our hearts about whether or not our test is worth it, we can look at the life of every believer who stepped out in obedience to Jehovah Jireh.  As we release our hearts to the process, we'll see that provision is already made to bring us out-- with blessing and rewards added.  No price is too high for the anointing and calling God has in store.  Let's ask for grace to pass the test, and let God use it for His glory.

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