In the words of Pastors Chad and Nette, "The Holy Spirit did not impregnate us with dreams of change, destiny and purpose to frustrate us, aggravate us, or discourage us! He placed them WITHIN us... To see them come THROUGH us... To IMPACT the world AROUND us! God will give you EVERYTHING you need to be EVERYTHING He wants!"
So what stops us from pursuing those dreams that are at the forefront of our minds and hearts? Could it be that we may have FORGOTTEN the very important fact that a WORLDCHANGER named Jesus touched us, and life will never be the same? We do have a part to play in this process, however: we have to CHANGE! Old MINDSETS, attitudes, and bad habits have to go. We must make room for the NEW THING God is doing so we can accomplish the MOST in the time we have left on this earth. To do the opposite has only one result: RUINS. DEVASTATION. LOST HOPES AND DREAMS. BROKEN-DOWN CITIES.
Read with us this week as we learn AND APPLY the steps to embracing TRUE CHANGE and re-awakening the dreams God intended us to fulfill.
Week of July 8th> What Prevents the Ruins? CHANGE!
Monday, July 8th> Matthew 11: 20; Acts chapters 22-24
1. What role does the act of REPENTING (heartily, with enthusiasm, gusto and WITHOUT reservation) play in our decision to CHANGE?
Tuesday, July 9th> Matthew 11: 21-24; Acts chapters 25-28
2. In spite of the many miracles Jesus, a WORLDCHANGER, performed in these cities, what are some reasons for their refusal to change?
Wednesday, July 10th> John 1: 1-14; Romans chapters 1-2
3. Contrary to the enemy's assignment, how has God designed our cities to BENEFIT as a result of having WORLDCHANGERS in our midst?
Thursday, July 11th> Isaiah chapter 61; Romans chapters 3-5
4. What is the most important Gift from God that will cause change WITHIN us, and consequently cause us to become WORLDCHANGERS?
Friday, July 12th> Isaiah 54: 1-2; Romans chapters 6-8
5. What about our MINDSETS will we need to CHANGE in order to ENLARGE the place of our tent (make room for the new people God is preparing us to minister to)?
Saturday, July 13th> Isaiah 54: 2; Romans chapters 9-11
6. When God says "Do NOT SPARE", how is He expecting us to treat the visions, dreams and ideas we've been given?
Sunday, July 14th> Isaiah 54:3; 1 Chronicles 4:10 (NLT); Romans chapters 12-13
7. In what areas can we expect to see INCREASE as we step out in faith and BELIEVE that God WILL use us to impact the lives of others?
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