Is There Hope of Crossing Over?

I keep seeing glimpses of two different images from television... On one hand, I see a thriving METROPOLIS with shiny skyscrapers, sophisticated highways and fancy cars (like the opening scene of CSI Miami).  But underneath all that gIitz and glam, I picture drab desert devastation -- broken-down vehicles and abandoned houses, everyone walking around in dirty clothing... Food and water being rationed out, and no sign of anything green or full of life (like the scenery in "The Book of Eli").  Such is the spiritual reality of life on this earth: sin created A WASTELAND of death, dread and despair that we can't simply escape by clicking our heels 3 times and wishing we were home,  like Dorothy did in the Wizard of Oz.  We were doomed to be Wasteland Walkers, subject to its laws and lifestyle...

But a KINGDOM DWELLER named JESUS showed up on the scene!  Find out what we really LOST, and how new life in Christ allows us to CROSS OVER into the KINGDOM of a Loving GOD.  Read with us this week, learn just what rights and privileges you possess as a JOINT HEIR and KINGDOM DWELLER...and never look at life the same way again.

Week of July 22nd> Crossing Over From The WASTELAND: Living In God's BEST

 Monday, July 22nd> Matthew 25: 34; Genesis 1: 26-27; 2 Corinthians chapters 4-6

1.  In what way do these passages reveal  the fact that God's design has always been for us to RULE, HAVE DOMINION, and  walk in AUTHORITY OVER everything on this earth?

Tuesday, July 23rd> Genesis 1: 28; John 15: 15-16; 2 Corinthians chapters 7-9

2.  How does God's blessing to be FRUITFUL, MULTIPLY and PRODUCE in the Original Kingdom (Eden) prove His intention for us to be successful in everything we do?

Wednesday, July 24th> Genesis 1: 29-30; 2 Corinthians chapters 10-13

3.  Contrary to the deception that mankind has been left to fend for ourselves, what does this passage tell us about the CONSTANT PROVISION God established in the Original Kingdom?

Thursday, July 25th> Genesis 2: 18-23; Galatians chapters 1-2

4.  In what way does the MANNER in which Eve was created SHOW God's design for the wife to be a PERFECT MATCH for her husband?

Friday, July 26th> Genesis 2: 15-17; Genesis 3: 16-19; Galatians chapters 3-4

5.  After Adam and Eve's sin drove them from the Original Kingdom into the Wasteland, what did mankind lose, and what was our  new inheritance as WASTELAND WALKERS?

Saturday, July 27th> 1 Corinthians 15: 20-28 and 53; John 3: 3; 1 Peter 1: 23; Galatians chapters 5-6

6.  Since Jesus has come to RESTORE us to our rightful place as KINGDOM DWELLERS in the Wasteland, how do we "Cross Over",  and what do we gain?

Sunday, July 28th> Daniel 7: 27; Isaiah 51: 3; Isaiah 41: 18-20; Isaiah 43: 18-20; Ephesians chapters 1-3

7.  What happens when we refuse to succumb to the laws and lifestyle of the Wasteland, but STAND instead in the authority of the KINGDOM?

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