No More Surviving!!!

How many of us can identify with just "making it"?  Waiting for the BIG, EXCITING things in life to happen, but barely scraping by while we wait?  After a while, there's a certain attitude that takes over, sapping us of our joy, strength, and eventually victory.  These, my friends, are the trinkets of the Wasteland, and this mindset is the "Wasteland Mentality".

But did you know there's a place in God that we can get to where the dog-eat-dog, grab-all-you-can rat-race has NO INFLUENCE?  So the question is this: are you willing to DIE  for it?  Will you LOSE it all in order for the benefits of Kingdom Living to take root in your life?  Read with us this week as we learn how to shed our former Wasteland Walker identity --and become Kingdom Dwellers-- the way God ALWAYS intended.

Week of July 29th> The Wasteland Part 2: SURVIVOR MENTALITY

Monday, July 29th> John 3: 1-16; Ephesians chapters 4-6
1.  What is the most important FIRST STEP to turning from living as a Wasteland Walker?

Tuesday, July 30th> 2 Corinthians 11: 1-3 (NET);  Philippians chapters 1-2

 2.  Even after the awesome miracle of salvation, what is the "deadly leftover" from the Wasteland that we must get rid of DAILY in order to truly CROSS OVER into Kingdom Living?

Wednesday, July 31st> Ephesians 2: 1-10; Philippians chapters 3-4

3.  What are some strategies and schemes we tend to come up with to SURVIVE in the Wasteland when our minds are not renewed in Christ?

Thursday, August 1st> Galatians 4:3 (NET); Colossians chapters 1-2
4.  In what ways will we begin to see TRANSFORMATION in our lives when we simply surrender to God's formula for rejecting the Wasteland Mentality?

Friday, August 2nd> Galatians 2: 20 (NLT); Mark 8: 35-37; John 12: 24-25 (NLT);  Colossians chapters 3-4
5.  What IS God's formula for MOVING from the Survivor Mentality of the Wasteland into that of being a KINGDOM DWELLER?

Saturday, August 3rd> Revelation 12: 11 (NET); Ephesians 3: 8 (NET); Romans 8: 31-37 (NIV); 1 Thessalonians chapters 1-2

6.  What are God's PROMISES to us for persistently LEARNING and APPLYING the principles of Kingdom Living?

Sunday, August 4th> Genesis chapter 13; 1 Thessalonians chapters 3-5

7.  In what ways will succumbing to the Survivor Mentality, even after being exposed to the TRUTH, affect us and our FAMILIES?

Is There Hope of Crossing Over?

I keep seeing glimpses of two different images from television... On one hand, I see a thriving METROPOLIS with shiny skyscrapers, sophisticated highways and fancy cars (like the opening scene of CSI Miami).  But underneath all that gIitz and glam, I picture drab desert devastation -- broken-down vehicles and abandoned houses, everyone walking around in dirty clothing... Food and water being rationed out, and no sign of anything green or full of life (like the scenery in "The Book of Eli").  Such is the spiritual reality of life on this earth: sin created A WASTELAND of death, dread and despair that we can't simply escape by clicking our heels 3 times and wishing we were home,  like Dorothy did in the Wizard of Oz.  We were doomed to be Wasteland Walkers, subject to its laws and lifestyle...

But a KINGDOM DWELLER named JESUS showed up on the scene!  Find out what we really LOST, and how new life in Christ allows us to CROSS OVER into the KINGDOM of a Loving GOD.  Read with us this week, learn just what rights and privileges you possess as a JOINT HEIR and KINGDOM DWELLER...and never look at life the same way again.

Week of July 22nd> Crossing Over From The WASTELAND: Living In God's BEST

 Monday, July 22nd> Matthew 25: 34; Genesis 1: 26-27; 2 Corinthians chapters 4-6

1.  In what way do these passages reveal  the fact that God's design has always been for us to RULE, HAVE DOMINION, and  walk in AUTHORITY OVER everything on this earth?

Tuesday, July 23rd> Genesis 1: 28; John 15: 15-16; 2 Corinthians chapters 7-9

2.  How does God's blessing to be FRUITFUL, MULTIPLY and PRODUCE in the Original Kingdom (Eden) prove His intention for us to be successful in everything we do?

Wednesday, July 24th> Genesis 1: 29-30; 2 Corinthians chapters 10-13

3.  Contrary to the deception that mankind has been left to fend for ourselves, what does this passage tell us about the CONSTANT PROVISION God established in the Original Kingdom?

Thursday, July 25th> Genesis 2: 18-23; Galatians chapters 1-2

4.  In what way does the MANNER in which Eve was created SHOW God's design for the wife to be a PERFECT MATCH for her husband?

Friday, July 26th> Genesis 2: 15-17; Genesis 3: 16-19; Galatians chapters 3-4

5.  After Adam and Eve's sin drove them from the Original Kingdom into the Wasteland, what did mankind lose, and what was our  new inheritance as WASTELAND WALKERS?

Saturday, July 27th> 1 Corinthians 15: 20-28 and 53; John 3: 3; 1 Peter 1: 23; Galatians chapters 5-6

6.  Since Jesus has come to RESTORE us to our rightful place as KINGDOM DWELLERS in the Wasteland, how do we "Cross Over",  and what do we gain?

Sunday, July 28th> Daniel 7: 27; Isaiah 51: 3; Isaiah 41: 18-20; Isaiah 43: 18-20; Ephesians chapters 1-3

7.  What happens when we refuse to succumb to the laws and lifestyle of the Wasteland, but STAND instead in the authority of the KINGDOM?


Wherever we live, work, play, or shop, God has birthed in us a PURPOSE to reach others for the kingdom of God.  While this is an awesome and honorable calling, there's also a TARGET on our lives to STOP this witness.  What is our mindset to be because of this assignment from the kingdom of darkness?  We must PREPARE our minds, spirits and hearts to thrive in the HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT that is being formed against the people of God.
From the moment we accepted Christ, there’s a spirit of HOSTILITY that has very strategically been launched against us.  And yet, many of us find ourselves being SURPRISED when we see this spirit manifested.  Well, no more walking in confusion about this matter!  God will NOT have us ignorant or ill-prepared about these things.  Read with us this week and find out what you've always wanted to know about what we're up against as believers, how it started, and what our ATTITUDE should be in a world that so desperately needs to hear the TRUTH of God's great love for us all.
Monday, July 15th> Genesis 3: 14-15; Romans chapters 14-16
1.  Where and why did this hostility against God's people begin?
Tuesday, July 16th> Luke 4: 1-13; 1 Corinthians chapters 1-3
2.  What form of training must we REGULARLY engage in if we want to make preparation for the hostile environment?
Wednesday, July 17th> Luke 4: 16-30 (NET); 1 Corinthians chapters 4-6
3.  How does this hostility MANIFEST when we declare the TRUTH about FREEDOM in the hearing of those who may or may not know they are under satan's influence?
Thursday, July 18th> Luke 6: 6-11; John 12: 9-11; 1 Corinthians chapters 7-10
4.  Why is the enemy so determined to "KILL THE MIRACLE" that God uses us to display?
Friday, July 19th> Matthew 26: 55; Acts 5: 27-33; 1 Corinthians chapters 11-13
5.  Because darkness wants Christ and His message ARRESTED, what should our mindset and response be when we find ourselves being cross-examined under the disguise of "innocent" questioning?
Saturday, July 20th> Acts 26: 9-11; John 15: 20; Matthew 24: 9-14; 1 Corinthians chapters 14-16
6.  Since the motives of the enemy have been EXPOSED, what type of RESOLVE must we have about the fact that we WILL BE PERSECUTED just like Jesus and His disciples were?
Sunday, July 21st> John 14:6; Acts 20: 22-24(NLT); 2 Corinthians chapters 1-3
7.  No matter what KIND of persecution, how should we RESPOND when God opens the opportunity to boldly DECLARE the gospel of Jesus Christ?

Re-Awaken the Dreams

In the words of Pastors Chad and Nette, "The Holy Spirit did not impregnate us with dreams of change, destiny and purpose to frustrate us, aggravate us, or discourage us!  He placed them WITHIN us... To see them come THROUGH us... To IMPACT the world AROUND us!  God will give you EVERYTHING you need to be EVERYTHING He wants!"
So what stops us from pursuing those dreams that are at the forefront of our minds and hearts?  Could it be that we may have FORGOTTEN the very important fact that a WORLDCHANGER named Jesus touched us, and life will never be the same?  We do have a part to play in this process, however: we have to CHANGE!  Old MINDSETS, attitudes, and bad habits have to go.  We must make room for the NEW THING God is doing so we can accomplish the MOST in the time we have left on this earth. To do the opposite has only one result: RUINS.  DEVASTATION.  LOST HOPES AND DREAMS.  BROKEN-DOWN CITIES.
Read with us this week as we learn AND APPLY the steps to embracing TRUE CHANGE and re-awakening the dreams God intended us to fulfill.
Week of July 8th> What Prevents the Ruins? CHANGE!
Monday, July 8th> Matthew 11: 20; Acts chapters 22-24
1.  What role does the act of REPENTING (heartily, with enthusiasm, gusto and WITHOUT reservation) play in our decision to CHANGE?
Tuesday, July 9th> Matthew 11: 21-24; Acts chapters 25-28
2.  In spite of the many miracles Jesus, a WORLDCHANGER, performed in these cities, what are some reasons for their refusal to change?
Wednesday, July 10th> John 1: 1-14; Romans chapters 1-2
3.  Contrary to the enemy's assignment, how has God designed our cities to BENEFIT as a result of having WORLDCHANGERS in our midst?
Thursday, July 11th> Isaiah chapter 61; Romans chapters 3-5
4.  What is the most important Gift from God that will cause change WITHIN us, and consequently cause us to become WORLDCHANGERS?
Friday, July 12th> Isaiah 54: 1-2; Romans chapters 6-8
5.  What about our MINDSETS will we need to CHANGE in order to ENLARGE the place of our tent (make room for the new people God is preparing us to minister to)?
Saturday, July 13th> Isaiah 54: 2; Romans chapters 9-11
6.  When God says "Do NOT SPARE", how is He expecting us to treat the visions, dreams and ideas we've been given?
Sunday, July 14th> Isaiah 54:3; 1 Chronicles 4:10 (NLT); Romans chapters 12-13
7.  In what areas can we expect to see INCREASE as we step out in faith and BELIEVE that God WILL use us to impact the lives of others?

PERSISTENCE: Soldier's Edition

Picture your favorite movie soldier hero, whomever it may be -- Sylvester Stallone in "Rambo" (for the more seasoned folks among us, sorry, this is as far back as I can go), Mel Gibson as "The Patriot", Meg Ryan in "Courage Under Fire" or Denzel Washington in "Glory" -- and we will never forget Gerald Butler as King Leonidas with his crew in "300".  What endears us to every single one?  Which characteristic of their heroism do we admire the most?  You've got it: their ability to ENDURE HARDSHIP.  That, my friends, is PERSISTENCE.
As believers, I think we love to watch movies of this nature because we love being reminded of who WE really are.  It's fascinating and encouraging to see how these characters rise to the occasion when faced with heartache, adversity and certain death.  But we fail to see OURSELVES in this role on a DAILY BASIS.  We tend to forget that we ARE soldiers in this ETERNAL battle between a VERY REAL kingdom of darkness and Kingdom of Light.   There's no-one to yell "Cut!" after a bloody scene in which we MUST engage ranks of demonic forces from day to day.  So how do we do it?  How do we endure hardship, trials and temptations without giving up or giving in?
Read with us this week as we take on another level of Persistence: Soldiers' Edition.
Week of July 1st> PERSISTENCE Part 2: The Soldier's Charge
Monday, July 1st> 2 Timothy 2: 3; Acts chapters 1-3
1.  Contrary to the anti-Christian culture which threatens to water down the Biblical image of a GOOD soldier, what kinds of hardships does God expect us to endure?
Tuesday, July 2nd> 2 Timothy 2:4; Acts chapters 4-6
2.  What "affairs of this life" does the Bible admonish the good soldier not to become ENTANGLED with?
Wednesday, July 3rd> Ephesians 6: 10 (AMP); Acts chapters 7-9
3.  Where should the soldier of the Lord's army draw the power and might to fight in this eternal battle?
Thursday, July 4th> Ephesians 6: 11; Eph. 6: 13-17 (AMP); Acts chapters 10-12
4.  What is the significance of EACH piece of the WHOLE ARMOR of God?
Friday, July 5th> Ephesians 6: 12; Acts chapters 13-15
5.  In what way does keeping in mind whom our fight is against, help the good soldier remain PERSISTENTLY PERSISTENT?
Saturday, July 6th> Ephesians 6: 18; 1 Thessalonians 5: 17-18; Acts chapters 16-18
6.  What is the good soldier's MOST IMPORTANT area of persistence?
Sunday, July 7th> Genesis 32: 24-30; Acts chapters 19-21 and 36
7.  In what ways does God manifest BLESSINGS in our lives when we refuse to allow our past to keep us from PRESSING into God for change?