Wake up... Eat... Work... Come home... Watch the box...
Eat... Sleep... Wake up... And everything happens all over again. Many of us spend hours in the Land of
Familiar, a very big city in the Wasteland, consumed with life as usual. We live totally unaware that deep within us lays
Something Special: a Dream, given to us by someone even more Special -- the
Dream Giver. We struggle to find Meaning
in a very Ordinary life, when God designed it to be the very opposite.
What would happen if, all of a sudden, the Dream we've
always had come to the surface, giving us a vision of the possibility to
fulfill it? What would it take to get
from Here to There? Would we be willing
to break away from Familiar in order to prepare ourselves for the accomplishment
of this Dream? Even more importantly,
would we dare to step across the Comfort Zone where the Dream Giver’s Purpose
lies? Read with us this week as we
discover how to line up with the Dream Giver's Plan for accomplishing our
Week of August 5th>
The Wasteland Part 3: The Dream-Giver
Monday, August
5th> Genesis 1: 26; Romans 8: 29; Psalm 139: 14 (MSG); 2 Thessalonians
chapters 1-3
1. What characteristics of the Wasteland cause
many Christians to believe they are Nobodies in spite of what the Word
Tuesday, August 6th> Genesis 37: 5-11; Jeremiah 1: 5;
Ephesians 2:10; 1 Timothy chapters 1-3
2. What is the Dream-Giver's purpose for placing
dreams deep within us, even with the possibility that they may be aborted?
Wednesday, August 7th> Luke 14: 15-35; 1 Timothy chapters
3. What sorts of DISTRACTIONS and EXCUSES do we
allow to consume our time and energy, potentially keeping us from working
towards our Dream?
Thursday, August 8th> Genesis 12: 1-9; 2 Timothy chapters
4. What is the FIRST STEP in moving towards the
Dream where the land of Familiar is concerned?
Friday, August 9th > Exodus chapters 3-4; Titus chapters
5. Why is it that God deliberately asks us to
accomplish some aspects of our Dream that are far beyond our abilities?
Saturday, August 10th> Exodus chapter 16; The Book of
6. Although we may
leave Familiar with excitement and enthusiasm, what roadblocks threaten to push
us back to what we've always known?
Sunday, August 11th> Deuteronomy 1: 6-8; Joshua 1: 1-9;
Hebrews chapters 1-2
7. What TREASURE does
The Dream-Giver give us to push past the Invisible Line of our Comfort Zone
(where Fear lives) and into the Land of Promise?
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