Make the SHIFT!

Thursday, April 26th> Hebrews 9: 1-15  In what way does holding on to works and legalism cause our conscience to be dead? It's almost like putting a plane on autopilot and going in another room to sleep, or putting your car on cruise control and getting out a magazine. There's no room for the part where WE change or cry out that we need the Lord to help us do so. It's just EASIER to get into the mindset of doing things the same way we've always done them. It works for us because we actually think we're fooling everyone into thinking we've got it all together. But no matter how faithful we are to our church attendance, and how gifted we are in our area of the body, or even how dependable we've made ourselves in the church, we CANNOT allow these things to replace GRACE. The minute we start depending on our works, titles and gifts rather than on the GRACE of God to keep us vulnerable and mindful that we need the POWER of the Holy Spirit, He can no longer function to bring life- creating change in our lives. Our conscience -- the seat of our mind, will and emotions -- where we distinguish good decisions from bad ones and right from wrong-- is very capable of "going rogue". We are Adam's children, and the only ones given the capacity to accept the new blood and DNA from our Daddy God through the death of Jesus Christ. But if we don't CHOOSE to surrender our conscience -- which can only be revived and washed through GRACE -- we're choosing cruise control. What a sad existence for ones who CLAIM to be blood-washed and bought with a price! Lord, please deliver us from the curse of the law and infuse us with the power to make the SHIFT from law to grace.

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