Where Is The Church?

Wednesday, Feb. 29th> 2 Timothy 3: 1-9

In what way does this FORM of godliness prevent the church from being the church, and repel souls from coming into the kingdom? Wow! What a loaded question! I'll answer it by asking another set of loaded questions. About how many churches are in Palatka and the surrounding areas alone? More than 200 ( it is officially 191 in Palatka). Out of that number, how many souls are being added DAILY to the body of Christ? In the book of Acts, a handful of disciples and apostles caused 3,000 to be added through the power of the Holy Spirit. What is the problem if we still have the Holy Spirit present with us? With a church literally on almost every street corner, why aren't we overflowing into those streets and impacting lives, compelling them to come out of darkness and into the Lord's marvelous light? Why aren't signs, miracles, and wonders following us who believe?

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