Hindrances to Mobilizing

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

Today's Passage> Mark 4: 1-20
Memory Verse> Mark 4: 20

Today's Question: what are some things that stop us from being ready to take the gospel to the world?


PA. said...

Wow! What doesn't stop us?... Just like the children of Israel from Sundays passage Deuteronomy 1:6-8.... We allow MOUNTAINS to come between us and our promise and destiny! Whether it's Mt. Horeb or Mt. Fear, or Mt. Doubt, or Mt. Excuses, or Mt. Insecurity, or Mt. Reason, or Mt. Circumstance...Whatever the mountain, WE CAN NO LONGER stay camped and dwell there! The Hinderances can be mountain high, but we were giving MOUNTAIN MOVING FAITH! TO GET UP AND RESUME OUR JOURNEY!

Tony said...

Placing our will before God's,hinders the move of the holy spirit. So therefore, we do not react to his direction.

"NEW ROUTE" (GPS needs to be recalibrated)

Mz.Milton said...

Fear, Rejection, Excuses... The list can go on and on.. I believe people are hindered SO MUCH in this area because OF THE RESPONSE.. We are afraid of the response from man, we are afraid of the rejection.. so we make excuses.."Im not out spoken", "I don't know what to say"...etc.. GOD does not need us to defend who He is and His WORD.. His word is living and will not return to him void.. HE GOT THIS.. EVERYONE ELSE just need to GO and DO!

abundantlifenow said...

A lot of it has to do with a lack of knowlege on the subject and the methods of how to do it...we fear doing things we don't understand or know how to do. What if you were told you have to walk up to a stranger and explain how the circuit board of a F15 Fighter Jet works. Thankfully, ministering the gospel is NO WHERE NEAR that difficult...but we make it out to be sometimes. So the key is simplify it! Study a handful of scriptures until you have a good understanding of them...start out with baby steps, make small talk with someone and bring up what you have gained an understanding of. Then lastly, never forget, the Holy Spirit lives in you and He will give you the words to speak when you open your mouth for Him!!!

AGilyard said...

I personally used to say..."I really cant quote any scriptures"..."what am I going to sound like trying to tell someone about GOD and what the bible says?....but then I realized that some times just telling someone your testiony and allowing them to see what GOD has done for you and how HE is transforming you is just what they need to encourage them to turn their lives over and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.