Thursday, October 11th> Romans 7: 13-25

What kind of opposition should we also expect as we recover from our heart transplant?  We MUST expect the strongest opposition to come from none other than OUR VERY OWN SELVES.  We must expect our flesh to want its own way, just like it has ever since we took our first breath on this earth.  As our hearts finally get a fighting chance to side with the kingdom of Light on our behalf, don't expect the old man to just lie idle without putting up a fight.  It's going to take everything in you to stand, having done all to stand , then stand again (Ephesians 6:13-14).  

That's why I absolutely love this declaration from Pastor Antoinette that truly puts our flesh in its place.  As you make this declaration over yourself, remember that these are not just idle words, but that we overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.

"The Spirit-Led Life:

May my animated earth suit (the body) live to serve the Spirit of God... It will be agreeable, accommodating, obliging, considerate, courteous, polite, kind, thoughtful, generous, pleasant, approachable, and attentive to the Spirit of God.. As a host of the Holy Spirit, my body will not grieve, resist, quench, or frustrate the Spirit working in and through my life! I will NOT live to serve the body, but keep the body healthy and strong to serve the Spirit!

As I eat physically, I will first remember the necessity of feeding my spirit the Bread of Life and the Meat of doing God's Will!

As I rest physically, I will first remember the necessity of my spirit resting in God's Words, and not my own devices and plans...

As I dress physically, I will first remember the necessity of my spirit being clothed!  Daily, I will put on Righteousness, put on Christ, put on the Armor of Light, put on the Whole Armor of God, put on Incorruption, put on Immortality, put on the New Man, put on Love, put on Tender Mercies, Kindness, Meekness, and Longsuffering.

This is really being 'Dressed for the Day'..



Saturday, October 6th> Galatians 5: 19-21; Exodus 20:1-17; Hosea 4:6

God has given us guidelines to help us avoid things that clog our arteries and stop us from living "heart-healthy".  What causes us not to take advantage of these guidelines?  It's the same thing that causes us not to enjoy the benefits of all the great tips for being healthy physically: WE JUST DON'T WANT TO.  We don't see the value in finding out what it takes to keep us out of the doctor's office because it feels too good to our flesh to be inactive and eat whatever.  We spend years just catering to our carnal nature, making excuses for the things that cause us to feel guilty when we are face to face with the consequences of our actions.

That's why I love the Message version of Galatians 5: 19-21.  Since we've CHOSEN the Christian life, we can't just hold its principles as abstract ideals in our heads.  WE'RE COMPELLED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD TO WORK OUT WHAT THOSE IDEALS MEAN IN OUR DAILY LIVES.  Only the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit, as a result of reading and applying the Word of God, will bring the FRUIT of all God wants manifested in our lives.  Does it feel good all the time?  No... But neither does being left alone after driving away those who love us because of unchecked emotions.  Will we be victorious every time if we let the Holy Spirit be in control rather than our hearts?  YES, because there's no guilt afterwards-- only life leading to more life.  And that's what God wants for us.  WE JUST HAVE TO WANT IT FOR OURSELVES.