What God Allows

Monday, February 7th, 2011

Today's Passage: Genesis Chapters 45-46
Memory Verse(s): Genesis 45:4-5

I remember the year I was 17 like it was yesterday.  It was the year 1989, twelve months after I had graduated from high school and started college.  It was also the beginning of the infamous Civil War, an event that changed the lives of all Liberians.  But even more than that, it was the year something happened to crush my spirit and love for singing.

As most of you may be aware, the Lord has blessed me tremendously with the gift to minister in song.  Even at the age of 4, my passion for singing was very strong.  I would often dream that I was standing in front of a choir, leading them instead of just singing alone.  As I grew older, my leadership skills grew because I listened to every choral part when it was being played.  Somehow, my enthusiasm for choral directing communicated to my director that I was insubordinate.  

Quickly,  I became the subject of the director's wrath.  Every time I made a suggestion  about the music we were doing,  it was an opportunity to let everyone know how prideful and disrespectful I was.   Granted, I had never heard the teaching we receive now about submission.  But after about a month of hearing who I wasn't, my teenage mind and heart couldn't take it anymore.  I stopped going, and was probably the only Liberian who welcomed the rebels when they invaded since it meant no-one could leave their homes anymore.   

Years later, after giving my life to the Lord and recognizing the importance of walking in your destiny, I have learned that the rejection I experienced in Liberia was God's way of pushing me towards the place where my heart's desire of ministering in song would be accomplished.  Now that i know what I know about myself and Him, I can see that, like Joseph said, it was God Who sent me ahead to open up new doors of blessing and favor.  In hindsight, I wouldn't put such stock in what happened when I was so young, but then again, what better way than to destroy my dreams, causing me to have no desire to minister again?  Be not deceived,  but know that God's love is able to reach in to where we are and make a painful situation produce His will.

Prayer: Father, You are the Healer of every sickness and pain.  No matter how big or small, You see, You care, and You will use it all to bring You glory.  Nothing brings me more joy than knowing that You moved Heaven and earth to get me where You wanted me to be, and that You do the same thing everyday for aLL Your children.  May my life continue to bring You pleasure all my days.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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