The God of the Passover

Friday, February 11th, 2011

Today's Passage: Exodus 12 (E-100 Reading)
Memory Verse(s): Ex. 12:23-24

Okay, Td Nation.  Remember that formula from Abram?  If anyone needed to walk in this meaning of faith, it's the children of Israel on the night of the First Passover.  A few chapters before, they made a point of not even wanting to listen to (BELIEVE) Moses because of disappointment and imposed hardship.  Although God had sent him to encourage them that they would be free, they had been bound for so long, and oppressed so mightily by their enemy that it was hard for them to believe.

But after God manifested Himself through signs and wonders among the Egyptians (chapters 6-11 of Exodus), all Moses had to do was tell them once exactly what He wanted them to do, and they did it without questioning or grumbling.  Somehow, they mustered up the faith to believe every word that Moses told them from the mouth of God.  Next, there was a deposit of understanding imparted to them about their DESTINY.  The fact that God was willing to destroy all the possessions of their enemy to bring them out communicated to them that He was serious about taking them to the place He had promised their forefathers.

So they made preparation to leave the place of their oppression for a place they had never seen.  It was exactly 430 years to the very day that they and their ancestors had lived in Egypt, which presents the third part to the equation: the CHALLENGE.  By physical standards, they had never known what it felt like to be free.  They had lived all their lives as slaves.  Furthermore, they were told to only eat enough bread and meat to give them strength for the journey on foot.  They could not take any yeast with them to make more.  Therefore the big question was this: HOW WAS GOD GOING TO TAKE CARE OF THEM -- all 1,000,000 of them -- IN THE DESERT?

It's time we walked in the season of full deliverance and freedom. You may have found it difficult to believe that God really IS going to bring you out this time due to disappointment and hardship --just like the children of Israel. But look around you-- God has used the enemy to fashion the destruction of his own servants through the plagues, signs and wonders He is preparing. All we need do is recognize our set time of redemption and prepare to walk through the front door of the enemy's prison. Still today, our God is passing over and preserving everything that's under his covering. Nothing shall by any means harm you as you leave with everything the enemy stole and one hundredfold more. And THAT'S how the world will know that we serve the One and only GOD of the Passover.

Prayer: Father, You continue to find Yourself faithful to those who love and fear You. Thank You for making a way out of no way for the Passover Lamb to save us from Your wrath. May we pass this on to our children -- those of us who realize how awesomely we have been redeemed by You. May we never forget what You've done for us., In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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