Just Make It Right Already!

Wednesday February 2, 2011

Today's Passage: Genesis 32:1-33:20
Memory Verse: Genesis 33:4

*E-100 Challenge

I once heard someone say "The two hardest words to say are--I'm sorry".  When I heard it I thought "Ain't that the truth"?  Pride is a hard thing to get rid of.  And because we're so used to using it as a defense mechanism, reconciliation, to us, is more of an idea than a lifestyle. 

In our text, we find two brothers who are seemingly at odds with each other.  Family issues can weigh so heavily on us.  The problem is, family members know us.  I mean they REALLY know us.  Therefore, they have the ability to hurt us.  They know exactly what to say or do to push our buttons.  No matter how many times we apologize, the bad things we've done seem to find their way into every disagreement. Sometimes though, strained relationships are actually our fault (ouch, God).  Being angry has caused us to say and do some nasty things to our family members, or, we've allowed jealousy to creep into our hearts and cause us to walk in strife toward our siblings.  See, Jacob stole something from his brother.  He stole his birthright.  If I had done what Jacob did, my brother would've just pounded the heck out of me and got back whatever I took (lol).  But they settled things in different ways back then.  Anyway, when the time came for the two to meet again, Jacob was convinced his brother wanted to kill him.  Listen Friends, if God is telling you to repair a broken relationship, don't worry about what the fall-out may be.  Trust that God has already worked it out.  Even though he was super scared, Jacob met with Esau anyway.  When Esau saw Jacob, instead of trying to kill him, he embraced him and they cried on each other's shoulder.  Aaahhh!  Reconciliation has an uncanny way of taking off the weight.  What a relief!  I pray you find that relief where you need it.  As you let God soften your heart toward those who have hurt you, find freedom in your ability to forgive them.  Let it go.  The love will always be better than the lost.  C'mon Td Nation, you can do this.

Prayer: Father, forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.  It's abundantly clear why Your Word is full of forgiveness.  It's because You want us to forgive.  In our attempt to be more like You, don't let us forget this precept.  As You forgive us, we must forgive each other.  And as You love us, we must love each other.  Bless us to walk in Your ways, in Jesus' name. Amen

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