Ready For Rain!

Thursday October 28, 2010

I got home from church last night and (motivated by Pastor Chad & Nette's Word) asked myself  "Am I truly ready for God's rain"?  Over the years, we've learned how to have church.  We know how to use the church lingo and protocals.  We know when to sing the songs, pray the prayers, and greet the people.  But what we struggle with is how to get on one accord and make ourselves ready for rain. 

First of all, we have to have good soil.  Good soil is porous and yielding, not hard and brittle like drought-ridden soil can be.  Just as our Pastors said last night, good soil has to have openings so when it rains, the water can go all the way through it.  What we have become however, is rigid, non-porous surfaces full of "matter".  Family matters, financial matters, and even emotional matters, all keep our soil from being ready for rain.  Think about it for a moment, when we have allowed all the cares of this world to distract us from God's purpose, we've essentially set ourselves up for a season of drought.  You know how dangerous taking our eyes off God can be, but it's a common practice among God-seekers.  To recieve the rain, we must be prepared.  Second,  we can't have our soil filled with debris and litter.  Let's face it y'all, we have so much "junk" in our lives.  So much baggage from bad relationships, past hurts, and old games have been attached to us and covered our soil, keeping it from absorbing God's rain. 

So let's make sure we have what it takes to be receive the rain.  God's waiting on us.  We're not waiting on Him.  Do a soil analysis on yourself to make sure you are absorbant and clutter-free.  The rain's coming.  God promised it so you can rest assured.  But we have to be ready.  We have to have the capabilities to channel floodwaters from one place to the other.  So begin now by asking yourself "Are YOU ready for rain"?

Prayer:  Father I thank You for Your rain.  Let it fall on us in it's season.  Let Your anointing, power, and presence overflow in our lives like never before.  We need You.  We need Your rain.  Send it now, and we'll give You praise, in Jesus' name. Amen


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