Heavenly Fans!

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010

Today's Passage: Hebrews 12: 1-13
Memory Verse: Heb. 12: 1-2 

Anyone who knows anything about me knows football is not my favorite thing to watch.  In my defense, I didn't grow up in the States, and so I missed out on what it means to be a fan of a team from middle school on.  However, I have to admit that lately something strange has been happening to me.  I don't know if it's the sixteen years of being married to a diehard football fan that's finally wearing me down.

Whatever the reason, I'm starting to warm up to the idea of watching the interaction between the fans and their favorite team.  And let me tell you: there's no comparing the real thing to what you see on TV.  The whole atmosphere is super-charged with the electricity of the beloved team possibly getting a win.  Fans are serious about their support: they'd be the first ones to voice their disappointment when that team loses.  One week, they love the coach and the major players in the game.  But after a loss, watch out: they're ready to fire or replace everyone involved.  

Still, week after week during the season, they show up with their devotion and hopes that their screams and prayers of encouragement might somehow will that team to fight and win.  To every fan of every team, the playoffs are a possibility.  And if it doesn't happen this year, they'll be back next year to believe and show their support again.  Which brings us to today's passage.  I imagine the cloud of witnesses -- all the angels, apostles and believers who have gone before us gathering around to cheer on believers like us on our Christian journey-- to be something like sports fans.  They're there for every success, and disappointed at every failure.  But everyday, I believe they stand around again to believe that we can accomplish our purpose in Christ, praying for us every leg of the way.

If you're a believer for any length of time, you know that there are moments when you could charge hell with a water pistol, as Bishop usually says.  Then there are those times when you just don't think you can go another mile of the way.  During those times, remember that you've got a cloud of witnesses cheering you on, believing and praying for you.  You've even got Jesus Christ Himself sitting at the right hand of His Father, interceding on your behalf.  Don't ever give up, because they never will.

Prayer: Father, You are so faithful to place us here and make provision for us to run this race successfully.  When I'm tempted to give up, I'll remember You never fail. And I'll rest on the hopes and prayers of the saints who have gone before me.  Thank You for never giving up on me.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.


1 comment:

Nette said...

GOOOOO! Saints...(Not the New Orleans Saints)... But the Children of the most High God... "Cheering Loudly!!! That's good for another Saints First Down! Move those Chains, Break those Chains, Walk in His FREEDOM!!! Whoooo, whoooo, whooo!!!