Air Jesus!

Saturday October 16, 2010

Today's Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4:17-18
Memory Verse: 1 Thessalonians 4:17

Happy Saturday Td Nation!  I hope you are able to rest from your busy work and school schedules.  As you know, I try to make Saturdays the day we focus on the supernatural.  It's the day we consider the wondrous works of God, and how they apply to us. 

Today we'll talk about flight.  Have you ever wanted to fly?  I know, I know, everybody's nervous about getting on airplanes and things like that.  But what if you could do it without the fear and anxiety?  A friend of mine did some skydiving some years ago.  I asked him what it was like to be so far up in the air.  His response shocked me.  "It's actually kinda peaceful", he said.  Peaceful?  That's the last sense I thought one would feel.  The more I think about it though, the more I realize we were made to be up there.  Our spirits are conditioned to be prepared for flight.  1 Thessalonians 4:17 says "Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air".  Man!  As a fan of basketball I was big on Michael Jordan, but Jesus is getting ready to display some serious hang time.  I don't know if we'll still be "alive" when Jesus comes back, but if we are, we're going to get to fly.  How awesome is that?  It's going to be so cool to lift off without having to have a plane, glider, or jet pack.  I can just see us rising above the sin and pain of THIS world, to arrive at our true home; one not made by man's hands.  That's why my friend said being in the air was peaceful.  His spirit man was in a place it had already been prepared for.  See, the fear in being "up there" comes from the flesh.  The reason is, the flesh is vehemently opposed to anything that has the potential to break it.  Falling from a great distance would do just that; so would getting shot, drowned, burned, beaten, or SAVED.  It's no wonder why these are all things we're conditioned to "fear".  However, the spirit man has no such fears.  And that's because it knows it has an eternal existence.  It cannot be broken because it's the perfect image of God in us.  Therefore, look to take flight my friends.  You're made for it.  When you have the opportunity today, look up and say "Break open the sky.  Turn off gravity, so we can fly.  We want to see Your face, so take the roof off this place.  Jesus, break open the sky".

Prayer: Father, all things are possible in You.  We can defy the very laws of gravity if You allow it.  I will not allow myself to be bound by natural things.  My spiritual existence is what I will lean to.  I can't wait to take flight with You Jesus.  I'll be Jesus' name. Amen!

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