I Was Neglecting "HIM"!!!

Sunday, June 20th, 2010

Today's Passage: Hebrews 13:5-6
Memory Verse: Same
                                                                   Happy Father's Day!

For the longest time, my testimony has been that I grew up without a father.  The fact is, I can't remember a man being there to teach me how to run fast, or throw a football.  For the life of me, I can't remember a man being there on Christmas morning.  He wasn't on the floor with me making sure my Dukes of Hazard racecar worked properly.  I'm sorry, but I just don't remember!
Let's go back to the summer of 1983.  I'm up to bat against the fastest pitcher in the league.  As I stood in the batter's box, thoughts of my dad crossed my mind.  "If he were only here to help me with this fear."  "Strike one!" yelled the umpire.  A huge knot grew in my gut.  This guy was throwing the baseball like a blazing fireball.  My friend's dad was trying to encourage me, but it wasn't "his" voice.  "Strike two!"  Okay now, I'm really scared.  Consequently, while standing at the cusp of giving up, I heard that still small voice admist the shouting of the crowd say: "You can do it Chris, hit that ball."  It was Momma, not my daddy.  So with tears in my eyes, I took the most desperate swing I could take.  "Clink!"  The crowd yelled as I realized I had hit the ball....HARD!  The ball walked a tightrope down the first base line deep into right field.  I ran as fast as I could.  It was a homerun.   After crossing home plate, my mom was at the dugout gate ready to hug me.  She kept saying she knew I could do it.  It made me feel good.  However, as a young boy, I was still frustrated because "he" wasn't there. 

As I grew older, I became used to a female's voice in the shadows behind me when I was being celebrated: at 5th grade spelling bee, 8th grade graduation, high school graduation, then college, etc.  But the day I gave my life to Jesus, there was only one voice celebrating me.  It was HIS.  When I heard it for the first time, I felt so confident and secure.  Then it happened, the day I got married.  I was sitting in the waiting room and God spoke to me.  "You've done well, son", He said.  Hearing his voice was always comforting, but here was another big moment in my life and "he" wasn't here.  Then God, being the Father He is, began to tell me my story.  He said, "You've done well in all your accomplishments."  And you've always had my favor on your life.  Yes God, but why was I never good enough to have a father?  "You've had one, Chris."  I was there when you asked who would be your mother.  I was comforting you through the nightmares.  I even helped you hit your first homerun.   See, you've always had a loving father.  You father wasn't neglecting you, you've been neglecting Him.  See, My word says that I will never leave you nor forsake you.  Also,  I'll be with you always, even until this world ends.  I didn't lie, Chris.  Who do you think has been covering you, preserving you, and favoring you?  I had nothing else to say but "Please forgive me, God.  Forgive me for neglecting You all these years."

Today, I challenge you to appreciate your Father.  If you've had the benefit of having your biological father, then celebrate him; but celebrate God as well.    If your background is like mine, celebrate your spiritual Father.  He has cared for us in ways no-one else ever could.  Fathers are special.  They have the most profound effect on our lives.  We love all our Dads today and everyday.  But there is NO other Father like God.   

Prayer: Father, I'm reminded that even if my earthly father had been in my life, he couldn't compare to You.  You were in my past way before I was even born, and You're the only One Who can go into my tomorrow to get it ready for my success.  I will spend eternity thanking You for always being there.  Happy Father's Day.

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