Mothers Of Destiny III

Today's Passage: Luke 2
Memory Verse: Same

Thursday May 6, 2010

Hello Friends & Lifers! We again send prayers of healing for Ms. Tina and the Miller family....

Do you remember the moment you knew you'd become a mother? Do you remember what you thought, and how you felt? How about those who became pregnant by unconventional means? Was there fear and embarrassment from the reality that people would soon find out? What did you do? You did what any good mother would do. You did what Mary did....

Mary got pregnant at a young age. And worse than that, her fiance' was not the father. She was faced with having to deal with the ridicule of her people. The pressure to go through with her pregnancy became more trying with each passing day. But she knew there was something special about her baby. She knew the life growing inside her had a purpose and destiny. We're thankful that you realized there was something special about us Mom. You made a stand in the midst of fear and confusion, and we are the result of your courage. No matter how far we fall, you still see the best in us; just like Mary did with Jesus. Not only that, Mary had to give birth to Jesus in an unorthodox environment. Because a decree called for everyone in the land to be registered, Joseph and Mary had to go into Bethlehem. During that time, Mary went into labor. The city was so crowded they were forced to deliver Jesus in a stable. Just because your baby didn't come the way you dreamed or hoped, you still knew he/she was special. You knew your child was more than just a baby: a gift from God.

Today, I'd like you to think back on the conditions in which each of your children were born. Try to remember every detail. Try to remember times of fear and times of comfort. Then, try to remember the moment you knew God had intervened on your behalf. Now that you're able to look back on it; it makes you realize He was there all along. I'm sure there were some sleepless nights, moments of loneliness, and mixed emotions; but God orchestrated it to get you to where you are today. Like Mary, you were His chosen. He had His hand on you then, and therefore, He has His hand on us now...Thanks Mom! You're the best!

Thank You, Lord, for our mothers. They are truly gifts to us. Let all mothers submit their hearts and lives to You, God. Let them know they didn't become mothers because they got pregnant; they became mothers because You chose them to be. So cover them in Your awesome love. In Jesus' name....Amen!

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