Your Mission...Your Victory!

Tuesday, August 30th, 2011

Today's Passage: Ephesians 6:10-18
Memory Verse: Luke 10:18-19

Alright, Agent enter your name here!, it's time for your briefing.  There have been demonic splinter cells breaking out all over the world infecting people with the disease of sin.  Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to administer the antidote.  Be advised that the adversary is always at work.  His job is to make the people believe that the antidote is a myth.  He wants them to think it never existed.  So, you have your work cut out for you.  Now get ready......It's Go time!!!!!!

We all have been given this assignment.  Our mission was given to us when Jesus said "Go therefore and teach all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit"!  However, we allow the enemy to defeat us.  He gets the best of us by getting us all wrapped up in ourselves.  In a moment's time, we literally go from being on a mission, to being the mission.  Financial, marital, emotional, and health problems are sent as agents to "water down" the antidote Jesus gave us.  He knows if there's no antidote, there's no mission.  Some trade their serum for money or relationships.  Others use it to build names for themselves as if they're the ones that created it.  

So what is it?  If we have the authority of being agents of God, what does the devil seemingly know that we don't?  I'll tell you.  He knows that the thing on the inside of us is greater than anything he has, or does.  He knows if we apply the weapons of this war, he has no chance of winning.  And he also knows this fight is fixed.  The antidote proves it.  He has already lost.  The only authority he has is what we give him.  Take time to study God's word in regards to the strength He's given you.  YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!  The devil's attacks are dependent upon people not knowing themselves.  Why?  The reason is he can't CREATE anything, but he knows we can.  So, he needs you to use your words to create your false reality.  For example, if he wants to destroy a Godly marriage, he provides just enough aggravation to make the husband/wife "say" their marriage is bad, or over.  If he wants to  make one sick he just provides enough pain to make the person "say" they must have a virus, or cancer.  He wants you to forget that God said you are the head and not the tail.  He wants you to forget that the chastisement of our peace was upon Jesus Christ; and by His stripes we are healed.  See, if we said things like that in the midst of our adversity, the devil wouldn't have a leg to stand on.  Now go!  Don't forget your mission.  More importantly, always remember you carry the victory to every attack you'll face inside you.  So there's no need to fear.  It's Go Time!!!!

Prayer:  Father, we thank You for Your word.  We realize that we are complete in You.  And because of that, there's no need to be afraid of the devil and his tactics.  We are victorious in You.  So while on this mission, we serve notice to the devil that he's the one in trouble.  He's already fallen like lightning.  Our plan is to keep him there, in Jesus' name.  Amen. 

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