Faith Declaration #1

Monday, July 18th, 2011

Today's Passage: Psalm 1
Memory Verse> Ps. 1: 3

Father, I thank You today that You have established a place of blessing for those who are totally devoted to You and Your kingdom.  I am delighted to be counted as one of those who acknowledge Your Word as the highest authority in our lives.  That means before we call the bank, the doctor, or the government, we consult You.  We spend quality time digesting Your Word and letting it take root in our hearts.

Furthermore, I am guaranteed to walk in Your blessing because I refuse to allow any negative report against what You have said to poison my spirit.  I keep my eyes focused on Your Word, and continue to rehearse, meditate, and feast on Your promises.  I cast down every high and lofty imagination that would attempt to exalted itself against the knowledge of You.

As I fasten myself to You, obeying Your precepts and Your laws, I receive by faith the promise from You that shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water.  I will be fruitful in the anointing and gifting to exhort and encourage Your people.  The leaves of my productivity and creativity will never fade or wither, and everything I put my hands to shall prosper because it's rooted in Your grace.  May Your Word come to pass in the lives of Your Totally Devoted just as You say.  In Jesus' mighty Name, Amen.

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