Expect Great!

Sunday September 12, 2010

Today's Passage: 2 Chronicles 7:1-3
Memory Verse: Same

Well, today is Sunday Td Nation.  It's the day we come together to corporately worship our God.  Individually, we are all carriers of His spirit.  Although our earthly lives send us down different paths during the week, we can all meet on common ground on Sundays.  I love it when believers get together.  Sometimes though, we fail to walk in our full potential in our meetings.  On Sundays, I sometimes imagine God is looking at us saying "If only they knew who they REALLY were.  If only they knew the power they possessed when they come together".  You see, when "we" meet, there should be a life-changing encounter with the Lord at every service; an experience that exceeds natural law. The truth is, however, over the years we've been conditioned to accept powerless church services.  Our "microwave" mentalities have turned some of our gatherings into mere civic club mixers.

What should happen when a group of true believers come together?  There are several examples in the Word, but let's look at this particular one today.  In 2 Chronicles 7, Solomon began the 'Dedication of the Temple' service with prayer.  Watch what happens.  The bible says when Solomon finished praying, a bolt of lightning out of Heaven struck the Whole-Burnt Offering and sacrifices and THE GLORY OF GOD FILLED THE TEMPLE.  It goes on to say the glory was so dense the priest couldn't get in.  God so filled the temple there was no room for the priest.  When all Israel saw the fire fall from Heaven and the glory of God fill the temple, they fell on their knees, bowed their heads and worshipped, thanking God by saying "Yes, God is good.  His love never quits".  Imagine this happening in your church this morning/evening.  But can we stand to see God's glory in church?  We sing about it, pray about it, and ask for it, but do we have the capacity for the experience?  Is our expectation in the right place when we enter our choice houses of worship?  Pastor Chad opened his annual leadership workshop this year with a very poignant statement.  He said "You'll have what you expect and you'll get what you tolerate".   So what do you expect God to do today?  Do you have an expectancy at all?  If so, do you praise Him to the level you expect Him to move?

I challenge you today to expect God to do some awesome things in service today.  He wants to move, change, and bless you.  He wants to heal the sick.  He wants to bring revelation THROUGH His body as He brings relevance TO His body.   It's all up to you.  Remember: you'll have what you expect, so expect... great.

Prayer:  Father You are mighty and awesome.  I expect an awesome move of Your spirit today.  Fill the house with Your presence and glory.  Make it so that our ideas, attitudes, and mindsets crumble under the weight of Your glory.  We need You.  We want You.  Please change us today, in Jesus' name Amen.


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