Judges, Kings, and Priests: ARISE!!!

(from the week of March 11)

Week of March 11th Judges, Kings, and Priests: ARISE!!!

Monday, March 11th; Joshua chapter 6

1. How important is it for us to follow God's directions TO THE LETTER if we want to see walls fall down?

Tuesday, March 12th; Judges chapter 16

2. What does Samson's disobedience teach us about what sleeping with the enemy will cost us?

Wednesday, March 13th; 1 Samuel chapters 13and 15

3. In what way is God's heart revealed about what He looks for in a spiritual leader? You will obey whom you fear.

Thursday, March 14th; 1 Samuel chapter 17

4. What will the outcome of our battles ALWAYS be if we approach them with TOTAL dependence on God?

Friday, March 15th; Leviticus 20: 7-8; 1 Peter 2: 1-12

5. Because God is calling us to be removed from the realm of the ordinary, what attitude should we have as priests while in the 110?

Saturday, March 16th; 1 Kings 8: 6-11; 1 Corinthians 3: 16-23; 2 Corinthians 6: 14-18

6. Since God has moved His Presence from physical buildings into our temples, what can we do to make room for His glory?

Sunday, March 17th; Romans 12:1; Romans 6:13; Hebrews 13: 14-16; Ephesians 5: 18-21

7. How does God expect us to use our bodies, our praise, and our possessions as a sacrifice to Him?

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