Saturday, Aug. 11th >Luke 6: 36-42

What is God's warning to those in the body who suffer from HYPEROPIA (far-sightedness)?  This is a true lesson in the principle of sowing and reaping.  God is more concerned with the way we handle one another than with how much scripture we can quote, or with the titles we possess.  In this season of growth and maturity, we're asking God to develop every part of ourselves that has stopped Him from using us and getting the glory out of our lives completely.  

So if we are to heal and grow, we must address our tendency to build walls around ourselves in the body, and keep our distance from others for one reason or another. Why do we try so hard not to form healthy, meaningful bonds with one another when that is where our healing and growth lies?  Why do we allow the enemy to speak lies to us about what our Christian brothers and sisters have said about or done to us, or even think about us?  Why do we believe those lies, then turn around and do the VERY things we accused them of by sharing those lies with others?

In these days of the great harvest, when so many souls are hungry for a real relationship with God through Jesus Christ, we are being called to rise from our sleep and natural state of blindness and confront the REAL enemies: satan, for creating the optical illusion that our family members don't care about us, and OURSELVES for believing his lies.  It's time to take God at His Word and obey Him in the spirit of a desire to see the church arise and be the church.

If we truly have a heart to see this happen, God is calling us to say, "It begins with me!" We must be willing to ask tough questions such as: "If everyone in the body were just like me, what kind of body would it be? Would it be a place of life, healing and growth?  Or would everything be dead and cold, killed by the suspicions, doubts and fears that motivate me to stay away from others?" God is calling His children to be broken about what breaks His heart-- disunity, judgment and condemnation.  He would have us to be warned today that every seed we sow in His church will bring a harvest in our own lives.

  Personally, I just want to please the Father and give Him room to reach this broken world .  So I pray today, "Cleanse, heal, and transform ME, Lord.   Use me to bring healing and restoration to others, just as You are doing for me.  Take my eyes off of what others are doing and keep me focused on MY race, which only YOU can help me to run.  Fill me with the love and compassion for others that will draw them to You.  Help me to say today and everyday, 'IT BEGINS WITH ME'."

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