Tuesday, July 24th> Ephesians 6: 10-20 How effective is the armor of God against the enemy without the sword of the Spirit? About as effective as a child's plastic sword in the hands of a grown soldier while fighting a full- blown battle: USELESS! He's dressed the part from head to toe, probably could survive the arrows launched against him, but is totally incapable of counter-attacking, or even going on the offensive. Somehow, I don't think that's the picture God had in mind when He sent Jesus to bear our sins and carry our sorrows. He allowed Him to sacrifice His life so we could walk in TOTAL victory-- and not only when it comes to defending ourselves against the attacks of our adversary. With the sword of the Spirit, we have the authority to go into the enemy's camp and take what belongs to us, not only for ourselves but for our brothers and sisters, and even for generations not yet born. I guess that's why the Word tells us to pray without ceasing. Whether in times of war or peace, our sword should never be still, because it's what the Lord uses to defeat the forces of darkness who are always up to something. David used it to seal the fate of Goliath when he stood before Him with a slingshot and some stones. The three Hebrew boys used it to declare their deliverance from the fiery furnace. We carry it with us if the Holy Spirit, our Speech Therapist, resides within us. So what are we waiting for? If the battle is already the Lord's, all that remains is what we speak to manifest what we want to see. I encourage you today to stay in the realm of the Spirit, pull out your Sword, and use it to see the enemy defeated. Jesus' death has already made it so.

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