Watch That Hole....!!!

Friday, October 14th, 2011

Today's Passage> 1 Corinthians 10: 1-13
Memory Verse> 1 Cor. 10:12

As I read the accounts of the Old Testament saints, I'm reminded of the parallel between their lives and ours. God walks with us as He did with them. He recognizes us as His people just like He recognized them. And He plans for us to one day share His kingdom just He does for them. By and large, this life is one big journey toward a special place He has prepared for us....sound familiar?

Some see it differently, though. For example, during a family Bible study, my son and daughter were convinced they could never do some of things to God the children of Israel did. They're not alone. Many have shared this opinion. I get it. Who's going to admit they could deny Jesus like Peter did? Which one of us would tell God to take you back to your place of bondage like the children of Israel did? We didn't even mention Jonah, Cain, and Judas. Truth is, none of us would admit to having the potential to do those things....but we do.

Verse 12 of our passage warns us of thinking this way. It says "Therefore,let everyone who thinks he stands take heed lest he falls". That statement came after Paul revealed previous generations, although they were fully aware of God's presence, fell in sexual immorality (v.8), partied too much (v.7), and tempted Christ (v.9). Hmmmm, sound like anyone you know? Yeah, me too. Instead of comparing ourselves to the previous generations, we should see their lives as examples. How else would we learn to avoid the pitfalls that challenge our faith? It would be wise for us to realize we're just as vulnerable to sin as they were. However, thanks be to God, we're just as equipped to live righteously as well. Therefore, there is no temptation we can't get out of. We have the same power and authority to overcome the bondages of sin as the disciples did. So be encouraged today, but don't be over- confident. Temptations are out there, so remain on guard. Blessings!

Prayer: Father, I'm so glad that You're my Shepherd, and You are with me. I don't have to try to live this life in my own strength. Thank You for showing me through Jesus that, though the temptation may present itself, we don't have to receive it. But I also hear Your warning to be more prayerful rather than prideful towards those who seem to be struggling. Fill my heart with compassion to see them overcome. My life remains totally Yours. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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