Monday, SePtember 5th, 2011

Today's Passage: Genesis chapters 27 & 28
Memory Verses> Genesis 28: 20-22

If anyone in the Bible had a problem with jumping out ahead of God, it was Jacob. It seems at first glance that he was always trying to scam someone just to get his way. Even in his mother's womb, he struggled with his brother for the right to come out first. Having read the story of how he cheated his brother Esau out of his birthright several times, I still say that God had a plan to use all that before it even started.

Yes, Jacob's life seems to have been all about looking out for number one. But a closer look at the story causes me to ask the question: could it all have played out the way it did because of something God said to Rebekah, Jacob's mother? In chapter 25, Rebekah received a word from God concerning the twins she was carrying. From the way they fought inside her, she knew something was not right, so she inquired of the Lord, and this was His answer to her: "Two nations are in your womb; two peoples shall be separated from your body. One people shall be stronger than the other, and the older shall serve the younger" (Gen. 25:22-23).

With that in mind, is it somehow possible that Rebekah favored the younger son over the older from the day they both were born, anticipating that one day he would be "the greater one" the Lord had told her about? Did Jacob constantly hear from his mother's lips how he would have to take what's rightfully his in spite of the fact that he had been born last? I may be simply speculating, but it seems mighty odd to me that Jacob would just up and decide he wanted to cheat his brother out of his birthright. But how do you explain the fact that Esau GAVE it away for a bowl of soup, with no pressure from Jacob (chapter 25:29-34)?

At any rate, I truly believe that if God had not prompted Rebekah to look for the younger son to rule over the older, she probably would never have encouraged her baby boy to pretend to be his older brother when the time came to bless Esau. I couldn't say whether or not God had another plan. But I do know this: His Word assures me that regardless of the plans and schemes of man, God's plans always prevail. You may be wondering whether the detour you took from God's design has caused you to forfeit your original destiny. With all my heart, I believe this is not so. I believe that God, Who sees and knows the thoughts and intents of our hearts, finds a solution for the problem before it even occurs. I dare to even suggest that God KNEW there would be favoritism between Isaac, Rebekah, and their offspring, and He decided to use it to accomplish His purpose. Just know that, no matter what, your steps are ordered and God will use ALL things to work together so that the plan He originally intended comes to pass. If I were you, I wouldn't spend too much time wondering whether God CAUSED the detour, but I know it becomes part of His design. And THAT's enough for me.

Prayer: Father, You are so wise and omniscient. You saw and knew me before I was even conceived in my mother's womb. You knew each step I would take, and You knew where and when I would wander away from You. My heart overflows with the realization that You had a solution for every mistake I would make, and I can see how You're using them for Your glory now as I minister strength and encouragement to others. Let my life be a witness to Your unfailing love, and serve as a reminder to those who may not know that You love us in spite of our past. Thank You for using me, and may my life continue to please You forever. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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