What's Your Damascus?

Saturday April 9, 2011

Today's Passage: Acts 9:1-9:31
Memory Verse: Acts 9:18

I can't believe we actually live in a day when people try to persecute Christians.  Really?  I mean, I thought as a society people at least respected the IDEA of God.  But some of these protests and things are proving otherwise.  How can man hate someone who loves so much?  Has evil become so popluar that it can openly defame the things of God without consequence?

I guess this kind of stuff is not new to God.  I was reading our passage for today and, low and behold, it was about Saul.  This guy was relentless.  He went all over the place persecuting Christians.  Have you ever met anyone like this?  Is there someone at work who always has a negative view of God or the church?  Several people come to mind.  Sometimes we even persecute Jesus.  How, by protesting against His place in our lives when we want to go "off the reservation".  But, Saul took things to new levels.  He was getting warrants for people's arrest.   He was going from city to city looking for certain people, and he would even find leaders and have them arrested.  There are people in our generation who are just like Saul was.  They go to extremes to deny Christ.  In some countries, the arrest and persecution of believers are still common practices.  While in America, where people are free to worship, our pastors have to all but beg us to attend church services and functions.  Anyway, Saul had a nasty disposition when it came to the church.  But why?  In most cases, you can find out why a person does something by looking at past experiences.  For example, before the whole persecution thing, there was a guy named Stephen.  Well, Stephen was stoned to death for being a man of God.  Before the stoning took place however, the men took off their coats so they could throw.  Guess who held their coats for them?  That's right, a young Saul.  Ever wonder why you have a certain mentality about something?  Does it bother you that you have problems with something or someone who's never directly done anything you?  It may be due to past experience.  Resentment (like Saul's) may come from buying into someone else' judgement or negative opinions.  That's why God says we are to become "new" creatures.  He wants us to give up those old beliefs and opinions and see things from a different perspective. 

Speaking of perspective, Saul was on Damascus road when a light suddenly knocked him off his horse and blinded him.  Sounds aweful doesn't it?  Well, before you feel bad for him, understand what he gained from this experience.  Better yet, understand what WE gained form it.  Suddenly, Saul saw who Jesus really was.  Sometimes it takes a lil' knockdown to produce a get-up in you.   His heart was totally transformed.  Side note: Isn't it good to know no matter what you've done God still has use for you if you'll submit to him?  Okay, back to the point.  Now, because of his ordeal, his writings are winning souls for Jesus even today.  Watch this!  Most of what he wrote came from behind the prison walls where he himself had put some of the very people he wrote to.   Funny huh?  Saul became a great teacher and orator.  So, there's hope for anyone, even the one's who speak out against Jesus today.  We just have to make sure we're staying on track.  We must keep our focus on the call of God and not get distracted.  We can't live our lives being afraid of the "Sauls" of the world.  They only have the power we allow them to have.  So, go with the church, not against her.  Afterall, you'll need her to accomplish your destiny and fulfill your purpose.

Prayer:  Father, let me first repent for the times I've gone against You.  Then, let me thank You for my own "Damascus road" experience.  Thanks for letting me see You in a real way.  If you'll give me a chance, I'll be the greatest asset I can be for You...in Jesus' name. Amen 


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