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Thursday, December 15th, 2010

Today's Passage: Genesis 19:1-26
Memory Verse: 1 John 2:18

Last night, we had an opportunity to minister to ALM about allegiance.  For those of you who may not have had a chance to hear it, here's some of what was ministered.  We looked at the story of how Lot and his family were miraculously delivered from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.  We saw how Lot and his wife were so different in where each one's allegiance lay that God had to step in and bring separation.

Lot's attitude towards the deep wickedness taking place in Sodom and Gomorrah was one of dread and hatred; his wife on the other hand didn't see anything wrong with it.  Whereas he made a sincere effort to separate himself from that wickedness, she was comfortable around it.  I believe Lot hesitated to leave out of fear for the loved ones he was leaving behind, but her hesitation was a demonstration of her longing to continue living in that atmosphere.

Once Lot was out, he obeyed the angels and did not look back, but she turned around and looked longingly.  I believe she was immediately turned into a pillar of salt because she had communicated her preference for bondage rather than freedom.  What's so significant about the salt, you may ask?  I asked the same thing.  The Lord told me that she was do disconnected from anything to do with the kingdom of Light that she was rendered incapable of representing that kingdom.

Doesn't God tell us that we are the salt of the earth?  Salt should preserve and heal.  But if the very thing in us that should bring life to us and others around us is dead, it's good for nothing but to be destroyed.  So our prayer this morning is that God keep us holy, sober and watchful over what we should be doing in this season.  We must ask Him to keep us from falling into the trap of the deceitful anti-Christ spirit.  ANYTHING that exalts itself against the knowledge of God is anti-Christ.  Our allegiance WILL be tried by the enemy.  Let's be found faithful to the One True God.

Prayer:  Father, my prayer today is first one of praise that You are willing to come to wherever I am and get me out of any bondage I may find myself in.  Then I want to ask You to keep my mind stayed on You.  Help me never to fall into the trap of going through the motions rather than knowing and loving You for real.  I give You my life once again, all over again, to be used for total devotion to You.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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