Life's A Beach?

Today's Passage: Romans 8:17
Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 3:12

Years ago, there was a bumper sticker on cars that read 'Life's a Beach'.  The message it gave was living is easy.  But we all know the truth don't we?  Even in our walk with the Lord, trouble seems to find us.  We shudder to think what a walk without Him brings.  In thinking back on things, the ONLY difference between the two lives is 'the promise'.  

"Yes, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution" (2 Timothy 3:12).  That statement alone teaches us that life will not always be a bed of roses.  This life has its seasons of pain, betrayal, lack, misunderstandings, and injustices.  I told a colleague of mine the other day people commit suicide because dying is easy; it's living that can get really hard sometimes.  Now this is not a doom- and-gloom speech by any stretch of the imagination.  It is however a dose of the reality that persecution is a part of life.  Therefore,  if you've spent any time living, you too have learned that this life ain't for the weak or faint of heart.  God told Joshua after the death of Moses: "Be strong and of good courage".  He actually said it to Him more than once.  So it tells me it must take strength and courage to live a life devoted to Christ.  So what should our mindset be when faced with persecution?  Should we close our eyes and give up?  Should we succumb to our fears and "tap out"?  No.  We should do what the word of God says.  We should set our hearts upon endurance like the good soldiers we are.  If we believe our God is in control, shouldn't we let Him control it?  Finally, if we are truly in Christ, then we must believe wherever we are, He is.  If we do, it'll make enduring persecution less troubling.  We'll even discover that our persecution is not so much about us as it is about the God in us.  

My friends, we live according to the holy promise.  Jesus said He'll never leave us or forsake us.  So instead of focusing on what we're going through, let's be mindful of whose we are, and what He has for us if we endure.  In the 8th chapter of Romans, Paul wrote "And we know we're going to get what's coming to us--an unbelievable inheritance!  We go through what Christ goes through.  If we go through the hard times with Him, then we're certainly going to go through the good times with Him".  In other words, cling to Jesus like a life preserver when the storms of life are raging.  When the storm is over, you'll find your feet planted on solid ground and the "Son" will be shining on your face.  So I guess the bumper sticker has some truth after all.  In Christ Jesus, life will eventually be a beach!

Prayer:  Father, You are my hope and I trust in You.  Although this life is full of pressure, I can find relief in You.  When I am exhausted from the cares of life, breathe fresh life into me.  I am Yours forever, in Jesus' name. Amen!                

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