The Price of My Praise

Monday, April 26, 2010

Today's Passage: 2 Samuel 24: 10-25
Memory Verses: 2 Sam. 24: 24

For the past couple of weeks, Pastors Chad and Nette have been ministering to us about our attitude in worship. Last week, we learned that we should acknowledge God our Father for His greatness. This week, we found out that as King, Jesus the Son is worthy of our worship because of the victories He has won for us. This coming Sunday, I'm sure our pastors are going to receive another rhema word from God regarding why worship is so important.

But whatever the reason to worship and praise our God, we must understand that it won't come from us without a price. Most of us will agree that because we live in this world, satan, our mortal enemy, spends his entire existence providing hindrances and distractions to discourage us from freely praising and worshipping. For this reason, as long as we live in this flesh suit, there will always be a reason NOT to do so, or at least to do it half-heartedly. Which is why it's called a SACRIFICE.

In the passage, David's purpose for wanting to reach God's heart was to ask for forgiveness after disobeying Him. So he knew that it was important for God, Who searches the heart and its intentions, to know that he was willing to pay whatever price was needed. He could have accepted the threshing floor without having to pay for it, but as a worshiper, David knew that the way we come to God is just as important as the fact that we do come to Him. So he told the man who owned it in so many words, "I refuse to give God something that cost me nothing."

Today, as you start a new week, I'd like you to remember that God knows what a sacrifice it is for you to find time to pray, seek His face, and worship Him. It's exactly the reason it pleases Him to accept it. So, as you press through your days of work, church, and family responsibilities, let the worship you give Him not only be the time you spend on your knees or in church; let it be everytime you respond to an angry person with soft words rather than wrath. Let it be everytime you spend quality time with your kids rather than send them away so you can get some much-needed rest.
May the worship you offer the Lord be a lifestyle of sacrificial giving, knowing that our awesome God deserves nothing less.

Prayer: Father, You deserve more than just lip service. You deserve the very air I breathe. The life I live,I live to bring You praise. Today, may everything I do be a sacrifice that costs me everything I have and then some. And as I offer it to You, may it be a sweet aroma, not strange incense. May it please You for the rest of my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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