Resurrection Week!!!

Today's Passage: Matthew 10:5-8

Memory Verse: Matthew 26:14-16

Monday March 29, 2010

Blessings Friends & Lifers! As you know, this is the week we begin to focus our attention on the crucifixion and resurrection of our Savior. We'll discuss certain aspects of that time in our devotions this week.

We arise today knowing that we are disciples of Jesus Christ. We are His followers. We are the people who took up our crosses to follow Him. Do you remember where you were when He found you? Do you remember what you were doing? If you were like Matthew, He found you while you were cheating, stealing, or being unfair to someone. If you were like Peter or Andrew, He found you wasting away at work; with no real purpose or destiny. Some of us He found in adultery, and some in other sins or trangressions. But the end result is the same. You are a disciple. Which means in one meeting, He changed our lives forever and we now desire to live for Him.

Now I have a question for you. Of the original disciples, which one are you most like? Is it John? Peter? James? Matthew? Or Judas? Would you believe we often start our day wanting to be like John, but by the end of the day we become like Judas? How so? Let's go to the word. Matthew 10:5-8 reveals one of Jesus' first commands to the disciples. He said not to go in the way of the gentiles (world), not to go in the city of the samaritans (unbeliever), but go after the lost of Israel. He said preach saying "the kingdom of heaven is at hand", heal the lepers (sick), raise the dead, and cast out demons. Whew! What a day...! There's hardly any time for me and what I want. When are we going to shop, eat, or watch Sportscenter? What about what "I" need? See, living the life of a disciple is not easy. That's why starting the day like "John" and finishing like "Judas" is a common occurrence. When Jesus wouldn't be what Judas wanted Him to be, he had to make a choice. Instead of waiting and following, Judas chose to replace Jesus with instant gratification (Matt 26:14-16). So I ask again, which disciple do you resemble most?

I challenge you today to stay focused. Don't let thoughts of "self" overtake you. Don't allow them to get you off the path of discipleship. John was the disciple who was after Jesus' heart and you should be too. Anytime we misinterpret Jesus' place in our lives we set ourselves up to betray him for a temporary reward that's only going to lead to our destruction. Jesus is our Savior and our Lord. We owe it to Him to stay faithful!!!

Today Lord I become aware of who I am in comparison to who You are. I realize I must follow you in every aspect of my life. I will keep my mind on You and the plans You have for me. Forgive me for times I've allowed myself to be distracted by my own desires. I'm Yours forever and ever, in Jesus' Name...Amen!

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